Over 10K filmgoers have voted on the 75 Best Intellectual Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Good Will Hunting
Comedy movies Crime movies Documentary movies Drama movies Family movies Disney movies Fantasy movies History movies Horror movies Mystery movies Romance movies Sci-Fi movies Thriller movies War movies While general movie ratings ignore individual preferences, they do include movies that everybody must wat...
Over 500 filmgoers have voted on the 10+ films on Horror Movie Franchises, Ranked By The Quality Of Their Sequels. Current Top 3: Halloween, Friday the 13th, ...
We are also including some beloved horror franchises that deserve your time, from Scream to The Conjuring, in case you are brave enough to pull off a marathon. Also, as we mentioned earlier, we have an eye on 2024 movies that might surprise us. It's not always easy to find the righ...
Explore best movies of 2000-2009. Follow direct links to watch top films online on Netflix and Amazon.
Top Action Movies from IMDB The Internet Movie Database enables members to rate any movie they desire. The films are then broken up into genres such as “action films” and “horror films.” According to the IMDB, here are their top 50 action movies. ...
One in which a previously strong family dynamic is torn apart when malicious forces use Alice’s grief to manipulate her. This guest post written by Margaret Evans appears as part of our theme week on Women in Horror. A common question that is asked of horror movies is why? Why don’t ...
Emotional triggers are everywhere in this Italian concentration-camp drama that smiles through the horror. Roberto Benigni stars as Guido, a cheery waiter whose happy bubble is burst when he, his wife, and his son are imprisoned. Benigni is a joy to watch, his charm and humor tangible, but...
So here we go: the best comedy movies now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. 1. Walk Hard Jenna Fischer and John C. Reilly star in "Walk Hard." Credit: Gemma La Mana / Columbia / Kobal / Shutterstock If you've never seen this underappreciated, star-studded work of genius, it's ti...