Frederic (Rex Smith), who has spent his formative years as a junior pirate, plans to mark his 21st birthday by breaking free from the Pirate King (Kevin Kline) and beginning his courtship of Mabel (Linda Ronstadt). But because he was born on Feb. 29, a date that only arrives every fo...
This 1980s classic is available to stream on Netflix.Sixteen Candlesfollows the 16th birthday of a shy high school sophomore. Her big day goes from bad to even worse while crushing on the high school's heartthrob. 18of 19 Set It Up ...
Today we’re going to look at a gimmick movie of a very similar kind: not a “found footage” flick, but a movie that hid its real import behind a technically innovative surface; a movie that extended the ideas presented in Blair Witch, and forced us to think carefully about how much ...
From arts and crafts to treasure hunts, here are a few ideas to keep your little ones busy. Fun-filled activities for kids at home while social distancing Staying home and social distancing does not have to mean endless hours of screen time and computer games for your kids – ther...
I have friends, people I randomly text and send birthday cards to. I attend weddings and showers and potlucks. They’re great, too, but it’s not the same. I was so ready to leave my hometown and start a new life that I took for granted the gifts I had there. A world where I...
I have friends, people I randomly text and send birthday cards to. I attend weddings and showers and potlucks. They’re great, too, but it’s not the same. I was so ready to leave my hometown and start a new life that I took for granted the gifts I had there. A world where I...
From arts and crafts to treasure hunts, here are a few ideas to keep your little ones busy. Fun-filled activities for kids at home while social distancing Staying home and social distancing does not have to mean endless hours of screen time and computer games for your kids – there are ...
“Sorry, no watch, but your birthday is coming up!” This was more a reminder of presents to come, not that I had any intention of adding a digital watch to the pile. Today, still watchless, RB put on her ski jacket and pulled out her compass. She exclaimed, ...
and her uncle, King Leopold I of Belgium, who attempts to form a strong alliance between his country and Britain by having his nephew Prince Albert attempt to court and eventually marry Victoria. She ascends to the throne shortly after her 18th birthday, which removes any need for a regency...
the independently minded Outer Bankers chose to ignore it. Rodanthe is one of the few places in the United State that celebrates Old Christmas, or Twelfth Night. The people of Rodanthe mark Jesus’s birthday as January 6 (Twelfth Night) and thus celebrate “two Christmases.” Although there ...