共熔物 中文共熔物 英文【建】 eutectic
共溶混合物 中文共溶混合物 英文【医】 eutectic mixture
英语翻译 【医】 eutectic mixture 分词翻译 共的英语翻译: altogether; common; general; share; together【医】 sym-; syn- 溶的英语翻译: dissolve 混合物的英语翻译: mixture; blending; compound; conglomeration; admixture; hybrid; intermixturemelange【化】 admixture; mixture【医】 admixture; mixture...
What are the check-in and check-out times at Wugong Mountain Rongyuan International Hot Spring Resort?The check-in time is after 14:00 and the check-out time is before 12:00. Does Wugong Mountain Rongyuan International Hot Spring Resort provide airport transfer services?No, the Wugong Moun...
What are the check-in and check-out times at Wugong Mountain Rongyuan International Hot Spring Resort?The check-in time is after 14:00 and the check-out time is before 12:00. Does Wugong Mountain Rongyuan International Hot Spring Resort provide airport transfer services?No, the Wugong Moun...
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