This restaurant has not opened yet, but the name sounds tasty Swan under siege Behind the barbed wire Short and sweet We are making some alternative plans for today, so I did the Hideaway feeding yesterday. Filling the holes left by USAID After finishing with my business at Hideaway, it...
Yeah, I got a lot of my buckets out of order along the way, and I’d do some things differently if God grants me a do-over, but still, here and now, I am not unhappy with my life. And it ain’t over yet! (is that ice cream in the background there to tempt me?) Today’...
Every sailor knows this is not always true. Meteorology is much more complicated than that. However, while enjoying the beautiful red sky as the sun had risen this day, the aforementioned poem came to my mind and I wondered if it would hold true. Storm on the horizon Around 10:00 AM, ...
Sandburg then goes on to describe the sense of emptiness and loss that Chick's death has left behind. He writes, "They made him a stone image / And set it above his grave, / And he's there yet in stone alone, / Under a dying pine." The use of the word "stone" suggests a se...
“Not Miss Carreen,” he said with finality. Will was pleasant to talk to because he had so little to say and yet was so understanding a listener. She told him about her problems of weeding and hoeing and planting, of fattening the hogs and breeding the cow, and he gave good advice ...
In other days, Scarlett would have been bitter about her shabby dresses and patched shoes but now she did not care, for the one person who mattered was not there to see her. She was happy those two months, happier than she had been in years. Had she not felt the start of Ashley’s...
“Not yet, no. I’ll find that when we bless the hearth, though.” “Well, then.” She sat up straight and fumbled among the folds of her cloak, emerging with a large canvas bag, clearly heavy and full of assorted objects. She delved about in this for a few moments, then pulled...
Audio: Stream Sharon Van Etten’s New Album, ‘Are We There Yet?’ RIght Now May 18, 2014 Audio: Two Lost Bob Dylan Songs – May 18-19, 1966 + Live at the ABC Theater, Edinburgh, Scotland May 18, 2014 Audio: Was a Fan Calling Bob Dylan ‘Judas’ the Greatest Moment in Rock...
“Evidently Ian’s not home yet, either,” Brianna observed. “Do they need to be milked now, do you think? I probably remember how.” Her father smiled at the thought but shook his head. “Nay, Jenny will ha’ stripped them no more than a few hours ago—they’ll do fine until...
Is not to believe Maybe the only answer Is no answer And maybe the only time Is this time... And yet, Why can't our love Be the only love? Alone Alone in my fantasies Alone with my dreams But when I wake with the dawning