他们有着相反的命运:Ashley深受旧世界的喜爱却与新世界格格不入,Rhett是新社会的宠儿却被旧社会排挤在外;Ashley有着Scarlett的爱却只能在远处观望,Rhett娶了Scarlett却难以走近她的心。但也正如Scarlett和Melanie,Rhett和Ashley “came of the same kind of people.” 他们对世界都有着深刻的思考,他们以不同的方式...
(Scarlett throws a vase towards the wall in anger. Rhett comes out behind the couch.) Rhett (R for short): Has the war started? S: Sir, you should make your 8)presence known. R: In the middle of that beautiful scene? That wouldn’t be very 9)tactful, would it? But don’t worr...
She had never understood either of the men she had loved and so she had lost them both. Now, she had a fumbling knowledge that, had she ever understood Ashley, she would never have loved him; had she ever understood Rhett, she would never have lost him. She wondered forlornly if she ...
Scarlett went through the motions of presiding over the table in her mother's absence, but her mind was in a ferment over the dreadful news she had heard about Ashley and Melanie. Desperately she longed for her mother's return from the Slatterys', for, without her, she felt lost and ...
is going to marry his placid cousin,Melanie.Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks.There is a new man there that day,the day the Civil War begins.Rhett Butler.Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of ...
斯嘉丽·奥哈拉(Scarlett O’Hara) 斯嘉丽·奥哈拉是《飘》的主角。她不漂亮,但她非常迷人,有深色头发,浓密的眉毛,苍白的皮肤和绿色的眼睛。她是杰拉尔德和艾伦·奥哈拉的长女,故事开始时住在塔拉。虽然她希望有一天能像她母亲一样成为一位伟大的女士,但她更像杰拉尔德:一心一心、充满激情和“朴实”。在内战开始之前...
《Gone with the wind/飘》经典语录 1.You're a lot stronger than you think!——Rhett butler 你比你想象的要更坚强!——白瑞德 2.Her last words were about you.She said,'Tell Scarlett I love her…Tara is hers now.'——Mammy 她最后一句话是关于你的。她说,“告诉斯嘉丽我爱她…塔拉现在是她...
Gone with the Wind 跨越乱世——《飘》 点击收听5月27日、5月28日《空中英语教室》文章朗读音频 Scarlett must get $300 to pay the taxes on her family’s plantation or lose her home. She returns to Atlanta to borrow the ...
Gone with wind,说的是Scarlett的爱情,是Ashley等南方人的生活方式,是南北战争,是南方的种植园制度。这本书叙事宏大,虽不直接描写战争的激烈,却处处体现战争的残酷血腥。所表现的主题,没有止步于小儿女家的爱情,而是深入到南方人在南北战争前后生活方式和心理的转变。 同为女性:Scarlett和Melanie Scarlett是特别的,...