That said,Gone With the Windalso contains undeniably stereotypical and racist depictions of African Americans. As Ridley wrote in his essay, the film “glorifies the antebellum south” and “when it is not ignoring the horrors of slavery, pauses only to perpetuate some of the most painful ster...
Original June 10 Report: HBO Max has temporarily removed Victor Fleming’s 1939 epic “Gone with the Wind” from its streaming platform and will bring the film back online at a later date accompanied by “a discussion of its historical context and a denouncement” of its racist depic...
McLendon, Sherri L
Gone With The Pope debuts Blu-ray from Grindhouse Releasing in AVC encoded 1080p high definition framed at 1.78.1 widescreen in a transfer taken from the only existing 35mm elements. Although there are some shots that are just plain out of focus (which can't really be fixed), for the mo...
We chat with her from New York about Jason New York eating habits, Drake throwing his orange slide at a drone, Delta's $30k offer, the problem with men, Sarah makes a case for micropenises, what to do when you aren't really feeling your children, putting her husband on blast, the ...
Then follow it with The Ramones “Beat On The Brat.”It’s like someone taking a sledgehammer to a refrigerator and smashing the thing to bits.Yeah, get it?I met the original band – Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and Tommy in August 1976 when they came out here. Out West. We sat next ...
WithThe Lords of Salem, Zombie's consciously trying to bring that feeling back. "While we were filming, [co-star] Patricia Quinn came up to me and said, 'You know, I haven't felt like this on a movie set since I was inRocky Horror.' Everybody had a sense that we were bringing ...
And even the Franklin Mint, which to date has only issued collectible Hollywood tie-ins to “The Wizard of Oz” and “Gone With the Wind,” conducts a brisk trade with high-end “Star Trek”tchotchkies, including 25th-anniversary commemorative coins, pewter models of the various Enterprises ...
“burning of Atlanta” scene required the fiery destruction of a 30-acre back lot. Three days of festivities were held for the film’s premiere in Atlanta.Gone with the Windwas the first colour movie to win the Oscar for best picture, and Hattie McDaniel was the first African American to...