1,046 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 9/10 Like the film? Read the book. I've seen the film many times, have always enjoyed it. But I've been reading the book for the first time. It's a very long novel, and you have to stay with it if you want to...
267-Gone With The Wind-Margaret Mitchell-Novel-1936树欲静2020/08/27《Gone With The Wind》,于1936年首版于美国。小说类书籍。它讲述了生活在美国南方的少女Scarlett的成长历程。它在描绘Scarlet的生活与爱情的同时,也勾勒出美国南北双方在政治经济文化等方面的差异。Margaret Mitchell,于1900年出生于美国佐治亚州...
【题目】阅读理解GONE WITHTHE WINDGonewiththeWindisanovelwrittenbyMargaretMitchell, firstpublishedin 1936. ItwaspopularwithAmericanreaders fromtheonsetandwasthetopAmerican fictionbestsellerintheyearitwaspublishedandin 1937 ontherow. Asof 2014, aHarrispollfoundittobethesecond favoritebookofAmericanreaders, just...
【题目】阅读理解Gone with the Wind is a novel wrtten by Mscgaret Mitchell, frt published in 1936. Itwas popular with American readersfrom the onset and was the top Ameriean fiion hestsellerin the year t was publihed and in 1937 on the row. As of 2014, a Harris poll found t to be...
Gone with the Wind is a novel written by Margaret Mitchell,first published in 1936.It was popular with American readers from the onset and was the top American fiction bestseller in the year it was published and in 1937 on the row.As of 2014,a Harris poll found it to be the second fav...
This test is a review of the novel Gone with The Wind Questions and Answers 1. Scarlett's life is made easy by the presence of slaves, whish slave is no help at all, and is there during the birth of Melanie's baby? A. Mammy B. Pork C. Prissy D. Cookie Correct Answer C...
阅读理解Gone with the Wind is a novel written by Margaretof the Yankee woman who was seeking an IrishMitchell, first published in 1936. It was popular withmaid, a “Bridget". African Americans and IrishAmerican readers from the onset(开始) and was the topAmericans are treated “in precisely...
"Students should be told that Gone with the Windpresents the wrong view of slavery," Locwen states.Besides, the main complaint was that the racial slur "niggerappears repcatedly in the novel. In the same complaint wereseveral other books: The Nigger of the “Narcissus", UncleTom's Cabin,...
Gone with the Wind is a novel written by Margaret Mitchell, first published in 1936. It was popular withAmerican readers from the onset and was the top American fiction bestseller in the year it was published and in1937 on the row. As of 2014, a Harris poll found t to be the second ...
Gone with the wind《飘》的简析 Gonewiththewind Bibliographicalinformation •GonewiththewindisanovelwrittenbyMargaretMitchellanditwasfirstpublishedin1936.MitchellwasborninthecityofAtlanta,Georgia,innovember8,1900,inalawyerfamily.ShestudiedatWashingtonSeminarySmithCollegeinMassachusetts,1922-1926,sheservedasthelocal...