Gone with the Winning Line: The100 Greatest Movie Quotes in HistoryRead the full-text online article and more details about "Gone with the Winning Line: The100 Greatest Movie Quotes in History" - The Mirror (London, England), June 23, 2005The Mirror (London, England)...
Exuberant is the best word for Molly Haskell’s Frankly, My Dear,... a slim, unfailingly intelligent, fact-filled book that sets out to explain why Gone With the Wind (both book and movie) exercises such a potent and enduring hold on our imagination. Ms. Haskell...argues convincingly tha...
the new rule makers that were chosen, were the town bullies. They'd beaten up a girl and Sam nor his Spanish friend were going to put up with it. They started a fight and ended up in a scuffle with one of the weird prep students, and got told to get over it and take the girl...
“时间真是个可怕的东西;它能抚平一切,将心里好的或是坏的痕迹一刀刀刮去,只留下一个面目模糊的疤痕。” -苏韵锦 “你心中是否也有这样一个人?他离开后生活还在继续,他留下的痕迹被平淡的日子逐渐抹去那些遥远而明媚的青春年华也已在泛黄褪色的记忆里慢慢枯萎。” -苏韵锦 “当时光流逝、兜兜转转,那个人是...
HCPhilosophieRenaissance und AufklärungI'm sure I've seen that guy's face somewhere before.Mathias JungEmu-Verlags-GmbH