他的两部经典影片《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard Of OZ)和《乱世佳人》(Gone With The Wind)流芳百世。 乔治·库克 George Cukor 美国导演和演员。好莱坞经典时期卓越的“女性导演”(womans director)和同性恋导演。他自剧院转向好莱坞发展,为路易...
梅兰妮·威尔克斯(汉密尔顿) Melanie Wilkes (Hamilton) 梅兰妮·汉密尔顿是阿什利·威尔克斯的表妹和妻子,也是查尔斯·汉密尔顿的妹妹。她有一个小而孩子般的身材,大眼睛“像蜡烛”。在她有了第一个孩子后,她脆弱的健康状况严重减弱,在整个故事中,她从未完全康复。起初,她似乎只是甜美、发自大和天真——与大胆、务实...
《Gone with the wind》的中文翻译有两个版本《乱世佳人》和《飘》——我一直觉得“乱世佳人”这个名字有点像现下网络流行的大女主小说, “飘”所表达的意蕴有很多层面,又不够确切,相较之下,我更喜欢直译的《随风而逝》——A civilization has gone with the wind,随风而逝的是大历史背景下的无数生命个体,是...
You’ d rather live with that little fool who can’ t open her mouth except to say “yes” or “no” and raise a pastel of 5)mealy-mouthed 6)bratsjust like her. A: You mustn’t say things like that about Melanie. S: Who are you to tell me I mustn’t? You led me on. You...
在Melanie去世的那一刻,Scarlett也突然明白自己所爱的也只是一个有着Ashley外貌的理想人物。“I made a pretty suit of clothes and fell in love with it. And when Ashley came riding along….. I put that suit on him and made him wear it whether it fitted him or not.”在求而不得的爱情中,...
SCARLETT:I don't care what you expect or what they think, I'm gonna dance and dance. Tonight I wouldn't mind dancing with Abraham Lincoln himself. Melanie dead. Scarlett匆忙回到家,却发现Rhett要离自己而去。 RHETT: Did she say anything else?
最近在读《Gone with the Wind》,才看完上册的第二章,大概内容是:Scarlett从Tarleton兄弟俩那里得知Ashley将要和Melanie结婚了,这个消息对Scarlett不啻于平地惊雷,因为她一直以为Ashley明白自己对他的爱,也认为Ashley爱的是她,对于Ashley将和Melanie结婚的消息,Scarlett依然心存怀疑,于是在敷衍地将the Tarletons兄弟打发...
Melanie Wilkes: Of course, it was no pleasant thought, marrying Yankee white trash, but after all a girl couldn’t live alone on a plantation; she had to have a husband to help her run it. 5. Ashley Wilkes: It’s a curse-this not wanting to look on naked realities. Until the wa...
解析 Scarleft O'Hara(郝思嘉) Rheft Butler(白瑞德) Melanie Hamilton(媚兰.汉密尔顿) Ashley Wilkes(卫希礼) 分析总结。 免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案结果一 题目 gone with the wind 的男主人公 两个 答案 Scarleft O'Hara(郝思嘉) Rheft Butler(白瑞德) Melanie Hamilton(媚兰.汉密尔顿) ...