1999. Gone with the wind? A comment on Butler et al. (1997). The Auk 116 (2): 560-562.HEDENSTROM, A. & T.P. WEBER. 1999. Gone with the wind ? A comment on Butler et al. (1997). Auk 116 (2): 560-562. [ Links ]...
A Comment on Gone With the WindBy Kixiana GlovetryIt’s a great film adapted from a great novel, makes us feel so close to the world, history and the culture that the conductor were trying to deliver us.Above all, I was greatly shocked and moved by the living lady, Scarlett.Yes, ...
Gone with the wind《飘》的简析 Gonewiththewind Bibliographicalinformation •GonewiththewindisanovelwrittenbyMargaretMitchellanditwasfirstpublishedin1936.MitchellwasborninthecityofAtlanta,Georgia,innovember8,1900,inalawyerfamily.ShestudiedatWashingtonSeminarySmithCollegeinMassachusetts,1922-1926,sheservedasthelocal...
Gone with the wind.I felt that I was deeply fascinated by it soon after I had read it.I first read it in a summer. I did not finish it at a single sitting. However, the moment I finished it, near midnight in a sweltering August day, with my body poured with sweat, held my brea...
Gone With the Wind并不仅仅是一个爱情故事。斯佳丽最终看清了真爱,虽然为时已晚,让人遗憾,但她在追寻爱情的途中,一直在努力生活着。她从一个只会玩乐的大小姐,成为一个可以独当一面的女强人,比起外表的美丽,她内心的坚韧更让人叹服,她是那个时代...
Gone with the wind读书笔记Impression for Gone with the Wind Author: Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell ( 1900 –1949) was an American author and journalist. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, Gone with the Wind. For it she won the National Book Award for Most Distinguished ...
解析:这四个词都是形容词,favorite表示“特别喜爱的”,如:my favorite movie,my favorite teacher;alike是表语形容词,表示“相象的,相同的”,如:The two brothers are alike though they are not twins.favorable表示“有利的,讨人喜欢的”,如:a favorable situation,a favorable comment(好评);likely表示“有可...
Gone with the windGone with the wind As we all knowGone with the windis one of classical movies in the world. It tells us the epic tale of a woman's life during one of the most tumultuous periods inAmerica's history. For this comment I watched Gone with the wind again. This time ...
推荐gone with the wind 飘 中英文双语介绍 Gone with the Wind Plot summary Gone with the Wind takes place in the southern United States in the state of Georgia during the American Civil War (1861–1865) and the Reconstruction Era (1865–1877) that followed the war. The novel unfolds against...
Lastly, Vivien Leigh was chosen for the role of Scarlett after producers reviewed 1400 auditions! Which of theseGone With The Windquotes and lines is your favorite? Have any other quote from the movie or the book to add? Leave it below in the comment section!