飘这本书的英文名是Gone with the wind,直译是随风而逝。究竟是什么随风而逝去了呢?那个斯嘉丽记忆中的曾经的南方,她的家人,朋友,和她所欣赏的代表着南方的精神。斯嘉丽最吸引人的地方是她原始的生命力,她反叛,不顾周围人的看法,并一直在奋斗,在那个女性只被鼓励做花瓶的时代。书里面我记得有说斯嘉丽和亚特兰大...
GONE WITH THE WIND (Book Review)Reviews the book 'Gone With the Wind,' by Margaret Mitchell.Pearl, NancyLibrary Journal
看完这本书已经有半个月了。一直琢磨着写点什么但是打了很多遍腹稿。草稿。总是不满意。时到今日。觉得再不写那点感触就要消退了。所以趁着记忆的新鲜赶紧压榨点东西出来。 郝思嘉是典型的南方上流社会的女子。不同于大多数小说中惹人怜爱的女主人公。郝思嘉是一个让人又爱又恨的家伙。爱她的执着坦率。勇敢无...
1,048 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 9/10 Like the film? Read the book. I've seen the film many times, have always enjoyed it. But I've been reading the book for the first time. It's a very long novel, and you have to stay with it if you want to...
飘(gone with the wind)-读后感(review)飘 Reactiontothestory Mainidea AnalysisoftheMaincharactersPersonalreflection 小说《飘》是美国著名的女作家玛格丽特•米歇尔用了十年的心血来完成的巨作。小说富有浓重的浪漫主义色彩,是以爱情为主线,反映美国南北战争题材的小说。成功地再现了林肯领导的南北战争,美国南点击...
gone with the wind 前两天读完的,作者陈秉安先生花费二十余年查资料采访记录下这么一段真实历史,很让人敬佩。 读的过程中,很为其中的故事和人物所感动。在历史洪流下,多少人过得痛苦而又无能为力。有男人为了逃离,抛下待产的妻子。有人拖家带口在深圳河上被机关枪扫射致死。暴雨洪流下难民们争先攀附树枝时,有...
Gone With the Wind is a romantic film based on a novel by Margaret Mitchell The film is set in the American Civil War as the background, tells the protagonist Scarlell and Rheet Butler between an up-and-down love story. In my eyes, this is her, Scarlett, an arrogant, naive, and ...
Gone with the Wind 热度: Gone,,,With,,,The,,,Wind Book,,,Review 96101087 中文四甲 許家瑋 濒凋漱赎反千峦甭咳沈旋圆雁邦芋御亦辜皮钩置窑蜜互阉夕贡去柱秉钻咏Gone,,,with,,,the,,,windGone,,,with,,,the,,,wind Scarlett,,,O'Hara,,, Rhett,...
外国名著英语读书笔记 Gone with the wind 第一篇:Gone with the wind英文读书笔记 the reading notes about <<Gone with the wind>> *about author mitchell margaret was born in the southern united states in atlanta.<<Gone with the wind>> took her about 10 years to finish this great novel,and ...