On either side of her, the twins lounged easily in their chairs, squinting at the sunlight through tall mint-garnished glasses as they laughed and talked, their long legs, booted to the knee and thick with saddle muscles, crossed negligently. Nineteen years old, six feet two inches tall, ...
Read the book. I've seen the film many times, have always enjoyed it. But I've been reading the book for the first time. It's a very long novel, and you have to stay with it if you want to see the ending. It's a good read, but Margaret Mitchell, former newspaper reporter, ...
while attending the sick or while working at the bookkeeping of the plantation. It was delicate embroidery if company were present, but at other times her hands were occupied with Gerald’s ruffled shirts, the girls’ dresses or garments for the slaves. Scarlett could not imagine her mother’...
The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind (TV) (TV) "It is still a towering landmark of film, quite simply because it tells a good story, and tells it wonderfully well (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" Roger Ebert:rogerebert.com "An...
I am so glad I didn’t pick this book up when I was 13。 Mainly because I was still recovering from the girl on the train but this book is another mess。It is superbly constructed with such a good pace and has honestly left me terrified。 I will try to forget this storyline and ...
1. To take part in a cooperative venture: went in with the others to buy a present. 2. To make an approach, as before an attack: Troops went in at dawn. go into 1. To discuss or investigate: The book goes into classical mythology. 2. To undertake as a profession or course of st...
DocBook development stalled for a bit in the dot-com boom. I think we were all busy with other things. In order to make sure that it would continue to have a maintenance organization, and that it could continue to evolve to support the needs of it's ever growing user base, DocBook ...
Related to gone about: Gone with the Windgo 1 (gō) v. went (wĕnt), gone (gôn, gŏn), go·ing, goes (gōz) v.intr. 1. To move or travel; proceed: We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go? 2. To move away ...
No. I do know overall the story moved enough that I wasn’t bored and I know I still want to read her latest book but that is about it. Nothing blew me away with this book obviously but I did enjoy it enough to finish it. Sorry for the vagueness, it is the best I can do with...
Negotiations fail to pause hostilities between the Biden administration and America Joe Biden’s talks with China lead to new national program, ‘The Great Leap Backwards’ Dear Democrats: 1930s Germany called; they want their antisemitism back Community organizers: We are all in this together unti...