They clucked to their horses and rode along in silence for a while, a flush of embarrassment on Stuart’s brown cheeks. Until the previous summer, Stuart had courted India Wilkes with the approbation of both families a...
1、1Gone with the Wind2 Brief Introduction3The Reception of the movie on its first releaseOscar for Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Color Cinematography, Best Director and Best Picture.4Culture Background5American Civil War Period: 1861-1865 Parts: South vs North Federalists vs Confederates...
Was Tara still standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia? She laid the whip on the tired horse’s back and tried to urge him on while the waggling wheels rocked them drunkenly from side to side. ...
The bitterest fighting, the most brutal retaliations, were just beginning. And Ashley was imprisoned forever by words which were stronger than any jail. Peace had failed her and Ashley had failed her, both in the same day, and it was as if the last crevice in the shell had been sealed...
乱世佳人(Gone with the wind)中英对白剧本 热度: Gone with the wind 热度: Gone with the Wind 热度: 相关推荐 Whatimpressesmealotisthefollowing connectedtothewar. (战争前提到战争的对话)Firstatthe beginningofthenovel,Stewsaidto Scarlett,Oh,isn’titexciting,Scarlett?You knowthosepoorYankeesactually...
The musicians clambered upon their platform, black, grinning, their fat cheeks already shining with perspiration, and began tuning their fiddles and sawing and whanging with their bows in anticipatory importance. Old Levi, Mrs. Merriwether’s coachman, who had led the orchestras for every bazaar...
Gone with the wind里面的有关战争的经典对话(4页) What impresses me a lot is the following connected to the war. (战争前提到战争的对话)First at the beginning of the novel ,Stew said to Scarlett ,Oh ,isn’t it exciting,Scarlett?You know those poor Yankees actually want a war?We’ll ...
世界经典文学名著系列:飘 Gone with the Wind (全英文版)(套装共2册)的书评 ···(全部 1 条) 热门 悄声月牙2021-05-17 17:27:46 #2021读书笔记 No. 10 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 A real masterpiece. Whether the characters or the plot, are very engrossed. The beginning is like a classic d...
aAccording to unpublished statistics from the National Foreign Experts Bureau, in the 1970s - that is at the beginning of the reform and opening process -each year only 500-600 foreign experts came to China. 根据未出版的统计从是在改革和开头过程初的全国外国专家局,在70年代- -毎年仅500-600位...
In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman's outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant. But rich planters were few in the young county of Clayton, and, in order to muster a full-strength tro...