murmured that if I knew ASHLEY, I would never fall in love with him. If I knew rhett, I wouldnt have made him want to leave. This sentence is right, as we ourselves, no matter how clear the bystanders, we cannot always know the truth, after all, it is emotional. ...
《飘》的英文原名为《Gone with the wind》,84w字的故事恰如书名。描述了美国南方经历南北战争前后的人和事,书中情节跌宕起伏扣人心弦,算得上是西方红楼。 “往日的岁月好似被风吹走,踪迹难觅。他们浮于乱世,飘于情感。” 这本书给我印象最深刻的情节有5个 情节①: 斯佳丽刚从亚特兰大逃回塔拉时,迫于家里没...
篇1:读《飘》有感:镜子 《Gone with 读《飘》有感:镜子 《Gone with the wind》读后感 镜子 ――读《飘》有感 王奕心 绣山中学 {启} 《Gone with the wind》,书名直译“随风而去”,化译为“飘”。由于翻拍的电影而让大多数的出版社把题目改为电影名《乱世佳人》,直到在书店翻开《飘》才惊讶的发现:嘎?
英文小说读后感之飘---Gone with the wind 简介: Gone with the wind is a romantic drama and the novel written by Margaret Mitchell, which sets the American civil war as the background. The novels protagonist, Scarlett O’Hara is the daughter of a planter, who is rich and standing in ...
Gone With The Wind读后感搜索 Gone With The Wind Everything seems small in front of love.Love brings pain to people,but it also makes us braver and naive.But no matter what happened,we are supposed to face challenges.Scarlet was a lady with a strong mind.Just like Jane Eyre,she was not...
英文读后感 Gone with the Wind英文读后感 In the "gone with the wind", the American Civil War is described, which depicts the painful transformation process from slavery to capitalism in the middle of the nineteenth Century in the middle of the United States. But it is not the theme of war,...
Gone with the wind读后感英文版 热度: Gone with the wind 的读后感 热度: 【精品】:Gone with the Wind “飘”的全英读后感 热度: 相关推荐 Gonewiththewind ---MargaretMitchell “Afterall,tomorrowisanotherday.” Background GonewiththeWind,isaromanticnovelandtheonlynovelwrittenbyMargaretMitchell.Thestory...
<Gone with the wind>读后感 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 人物点评作为男人,最喜欢米拉蒂;作为理性的人,还是最喜欢女主人公斯嘉丽。米拉蒂是大天使,斯嘉丽是女武神。大天使是女武神的精神支柱;斯嘉丽是米拉蒂的物质保证人。许多人不喜欢斯嘉丽,说她自私,对爱情不负责,有小公主脾气。伤害了瑞德,又伤害了的阿斯利;...
gone with the wind--读后感 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Gone w ith the w i nd Start dat e: July 2rd finish dat e: august 15th Title of the book: Gone with the wind Publisher: Scribner Level Author: Margret Michelle Genre: novel love story Introduction to the author: Margret was born in...