The extremely perplexing disappearance of housewife, Joan Risch, very closely parallels the New York Time’s Best Seller, Gone Girl, written by Gillian Flynn. The outstanding book (which was later adapted into a movie) follows the disappearance of a young wife. Joan Risch had a tragic childhoo...
It was a thriller book so what did I expect but this is one of the best and darkest thriller you would probably I am so glad I didn’t pick this book up when I was 13。 Mainly because I was still recovering from the girl on the train but this book is another mess。It is ...
4) Also, a meme from the aforementioned birthday girl in point one. :DBasically, you give someone an age and they fill out the meme for where they were and what they were doing. If you want to join in, comment and give me a ballpark figure for how old you are now, or a decade...
"The girl wouldn't have you anyway," interposed Andrew. "She's been in love with that wild buck of a cousin of hers, Philippe Robillard, for a year now, despite her family being at her morning and night to give him up." "He's been gone to Louisiana this month now," said Geral...
From within the house floated the soft voice of Scarlett's mother, Ellen O'Hara, as she called to the little black girl who carried her basket of keys. The high-pitched, childish voice answered "Yas'm," and there were sounds of footsteps going out the back way toward the smokehouse ...
It felt like a C rated Christian hallmark knockoff movie. The only reason this got the rating it did is because I was able to finish it. If I’d have physically read the book this would have been a guaranteed DNF. I really hope the last book will be worth the reading of this book...
YES I SAID IT! The unique reasons that my rating can't go any lower is because despite being a big scam, this game doesn't even have relatively bad graphics or musics and the writing is good, if that was a book it would easily get more praise and I could give it something like 8...
faced with the task of finding a new book to read having recently finished one on the airplane journey just the day before, I picked up Gillian Flynn’sGone Girlwhich, having never heard of, was telling me on the cover it was the page-turner of the year. I bought it and read it in...
My girl-friend and I have been going steady for a year. tener una relación de pareja, ser novio de alguien go through 1. to search in. I've gone through all my pockets but I still can't find my key.registrar, rebuscar 2. to suffer. You have no idea what I went through to ...
My girl-friend and I have been going steady for a year. tener una relación de pareja, ser novio de alguien go through 1. to search in. I've gone through all my pockets but I still can't find my key.registrar, rebuscar 2. to suffer. You have no idea what I went through to ...