Gomu Gomu no Muchi (ゴムゴム の鞭 Gomu Gomu no Muchi, secara harfiah berarti "Karet Cambuk"?): Luffy membentang kakinya dan menendang dalam bentuk lingkaran lebar, dan mengenai beberapa musuh. Teknik yang sangat efektikf untuk menyingkirkan anak buah musuh dalam jumlah besar. Pertama kali ...
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Whip (ゴムゴムの巨人のギガント・鞭ウィップ, Gomu Gomu no Giganto Wippu?, literally meaning "Rubber Rubber Giant's Whip"): The Gear 3 version of Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Muchi technique. Luffy transfers the air in his body to his leg while performing a sweeping ...
Globalization has strongly impacted societies throughout the world. Indeed, the rise of globalization has created a large population of transnational and migrant families in every part of the world. Affected by this worldwide migration phenomenon, school
↑One PieceAnime —Episode 1072, Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Okaeshi. ↑Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary(Card #0001), Luffy's Vivre Card entry (ver. "New Starter Set Vol.2"). ↑Weekly Shonen Jump2022 Issue 34 (p. 45), Interview of Eiichiro Oda andGosho Aoyama ...
Gear 2 ("Gear Second") is a technique that uses the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi to enhance the user's speed and mobility. It was first seen in Luffy's fight against Blueno.[1] This technique involves Luffy speeding up the blood flow in all or selected b