"Gomer Pyle,USMC" ran for five seasons on CBS-TV from September 25, 1964 to May 2, 1969. In all 150 episodes were produced. The 26 black and white episodes for Season 1 ran from September 25,1964 until April 16,1965. The 124 Color episodes for Seasons 2 thru 5 aired from ran from...
Name Episodes Known for Jim Nabors Pvt. Gomer Pyle 150 The Andy Griffith Show (1960) Frank Sutton Sgt. Vince Carter 150 Town Without Pity (1961) Ronnie Schell Duke / Duke Slater 92 The Cat from Outer Space (1978) Roy Stuart Corporal Boyle / Cpl. Boyle 58 The Love ...
Gomer Pyle, USMCTed BessellTelevision
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