Golub Capital BDC, Inc. (“GBDC”) primarily invests in first lien senior secured loans to middle market companies sponsored by private equity firms. GBDC is managed by GC Advisors LLC, an affiliate ofGolub Capital, an industry-leading lender to U.S. middle market companies with over $75 bi...
latest headlines all all analysis analysis news news ratings summary ratings summary factor grades people also follow similar to gbdc etfs holding gbdc gbdc company profile golub capital bdc, inc. (gbdc) is a business development company and operates as an externally managed closed-end non-...
我们发现下列公司与Golub Capital BDC, Inc.相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Golub Capital BDC的股价/销售额增长率基准 名称代码股价/销售额增长率 Golub Capital BDC, Inc. LSE:0IZ6 - 普罗斯佩克特资本 NASDAQGS:PSEC - MidCap Financial Investment...
相比竞争对手,Golub Capital BDC的经营利润复合年均增长率(3年)基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Golub Capital BDC Inc相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Golub Capital BDC的经营利润复合年均增长率(3年)基准 名称代码经营利润复合年均增长率(3年) Golub ...
Golub Capital BDC的预期无杠杆自由现金流率基准 名称代码预期无杠杆自由现金流率 Golub Capital BDC Inc DB:OGL - Sixth Street Specialty Lending Inc NYSE:TSLX - 普罗斯佩克特资本 NASDAQGS:PSEC - Goldman Sachs BDC Inc NYSE:GSBD - New Mountain Finance Corp. NASDAQGS:NMFC - MidCap Financial Investmen...
Golub Capital BDC的市盈率均值(经调整)(5年)基准 名称代码市盈率均值(经调整)(5年) Golub Capital BDC, Inc. LSE:0IZ6 - 普罗斯佩克特资本 NASDAQGS:PSEC - MidCap Financial Investment Corp NASDAQGS:MFIC - Barings BDC Inc NYSE:BBDC - Carlyle Secured Lending Inc NASDAQGS:CGBD - Oaktree Specialty...
变量三年已付优先股股息(现金流)复合年均增长率和五年已付优先股股息(现金流)复合年均增长率也可能很有用。 点击下方链接,下载电子表格。以计算Golub Capital BDC Inc的已付优先股股息复合年均增长率(7年)为例,见下文:计算示例 行业基准分析 板块 无可用数据...
Nasdaq EM MEA Basic Resources Large Mid Cap Index0.00% Golub Capital BDC (GBDC) Frequently Asked Questions People Also Follow SymbolLast PriceChange TSLXSixth Street Specialty Lending, Inc. 0 0.00% 0.00% HTGCHercules Capital, Inc. 0 0.00% 0.00% FDUSFidus Investment 0 0.00% 0.00% OBDCBlue Ow...