律界巨人 1-4季 Goliath (2016-2021) http://t.cn/A69HAmki 该剧为律政剧,由Kelley和他的制片人Jonathan Shapiro共同编剧。讲述了一个曾经很强大的律师Billy McBride(Billy Bob Thornton饰),由于一无辜的孩...
【亚马逊剧集《律界巨人》(Goliath)第二季今天播出!】Billy Bob Thornton在首季凭此剧获得金球奖剧情类剧集最佳男主角。预告片:http://t.cn/RuEyqph
Cast Billy Bob Thornton Billy McBride Nina Arianda Patty Solis-Papagian Tania Raymonde Brittany Gold Diana Hopper Denise McBride Bruce Dern Frank Zax Brandon Scott Rob Bettencourt Geoffrey Arend Griffin Petock Clara Wong Kate Zax Jena Malone Samantha Margolis J.K. Simmons George ZaxAbout...
In "Goliath," Billy Bob Thornton starred as lawyer Billy McBride. The legal drama series debuted in 2016. It concluded its run on Amazon Prime Video in September 2021, with the release of its fourth and final season.
Billy Bob Thornton Is Not to Be Messed With in 'Goliath' Final Season (Exclusive) 9:46 Billy Bob Thornton Reveals He's Worn the Same One Suit for 20 Years After Golden Globe Nomination 1:27 'Landman's Billy Bob Thornton Praises Demi Moore, 30 Years After 'Indecent Prop...
Goliath》第二季,饰演首席州副检察官Hakeem Rashad;Hakeem在对上Billy(Billy Bob Thornton饰)最后一宗刑事案件时,成了败诉一方,并因此对Billy怀有怨恨。第二季Billy接手了一个少年被指控犯下双重谋杀的案件,Hakeem发现后决定亲自上阵,意图打败主角及他的辩护团队,让检察官办公室能拿下大胜。
律界巨人 第四季 Goliath Season 4电影,罗伯特·帕特里克等主演的《律界巨人 第四季 Goliath Season 4》是一部剧情类型电影, 《律界巨人 第四季 Goliath Season 4》于2021-09-24(美国)上映, Amazon宣布续订Billy Bob Thornton主演的《#律界巨人# Goliath》第四兼最终
Goliathis gearing up for its return. Production on thefourth and final seasonof the drama series is expected to begin soon. Billy Bob Thornton, Nina Arianda, Tania Raymonde, Diana Hopper, Ana de la Reguera, and Julie Brister star in the drama. The show follows Thornton’s character...
Billy Bob Thornton is walking through the parking lot and down the street in one of the beginning scenes of the show Ain't It a Sin Charles Bradley Right after McBride signs school papers for his daughter in the bar, the music plays while he is driving on the freeway. (towards the beg...
该剧为律政剧,由Kelley和他的制片人Jonathan Shapiro共同编剧。讲述了一个曾经很强大的律师Billy McBride(Billy Bob Thornton饰),由于一无辜的孩子被害的案子迷失了自己,心里内疚开始酗酒,也因此丢了老婆和工作(律所的合作人伙伴把他赶了出去)。现在Bill重拾斗志和信心工作,因一案件得和自己老东家对上。