Golfzon Social: Swing into a new era of golf in New York City. Experience virtual fairways like never before with our state-of-the-art simulator. Tee up for excitement and precision in every swing!
GOLFZON SOCIALMore By This Developer GOLFZON Global Sports GOLFZON China Sports GSM: Golfzon Store Manager GOLFZON VIETNAM Health & Fitness
The Vector has been the backbone to Golfzon Social’s strategic solution that aligns with their rapid growth plan. Knowing they were going to a multi-unit location, they knew that the efficiency and flexibility of a ventless and waterless oven would help with kitchen layout, whether it be in...
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TWOVISION NX标配两台7000流明(地面投影)/8000流明(正面投影)超高亮度4K投影机,双屏流光溢彩的影院级画质,使得画面中的一草一木栩栩如生;超高亮度投影画面无惧环境光,让人们随时畅享生动视觉体验。 尖端科技 TWOVISION NX全新的双面动感平台加入重力分析功能。由四个独立的重力感应面板组成的站位区,将球员准备击球、上...
中新网3月1日电 2月27日,GOLFZON PARK中国旗舰店在北京高球核心生态圈盛大开业。作为全球最大的高尔夫模拟器会所,GOLFZON PARK中国旗舰店一经亮相,便以其轩阔空间、至臻科技、奢享服务与品质配套燃爆“高球圈”。开业当天,更有国内首场跨国职业室内高尔夫网络赛事——GOLFZON中韩网络大赛同期火热开启,为全球高尔夫爱好者...
The new standard for social entertainment with a private membership lounge in the Middle east HOME & GARAGE Tailored for family entertainment when converting a home room or garage space. COMMERCIAL & ENTERTAINMENT Explore 10 Golfzon Vision Premium golfing bays, with on site bar & restaurant. RANGE...
TWOVISION NX THE MOST ADVANCED SIMULATOR YET, BRINGING LIFELIKE COURSES TO YOU! TwoVision NX combines cutting-edge graphics with precision motion simulation to deliver the most immersive golf experience. With Unreal Engine 5.x and an upgraded Motion Plate, it replicates real-world courses and cond...
ADD.: 21580 atlantic blvd, unit 130, sterling, va 20166, united states of america Items: augmented reality/virtual realityfitness and sportsgaming sensors Web: SocialMedia: XFacebookLinkedInYouTubeInstagram more electronic mail : Please log in for detailsRelated...
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