Golf swing drills at home Golf swing drillsare an obvious way to practice golf at home but most golfers do not max out their progression with golf swing drills. There are three ways you can practice your golf swing at home. #1 Optimising golfing technique (10 mins) By far the most common...
In this video, Titleist staff member Dave Phillips offers some tips and drills to improve your golf swing for better ball flight, sharpening your skills to overcome faulty patterns like slices and hooks, and allowing you to curve the ball at will to help
Swing Clinic: How To Use Your Lower Body To Improve Your Golf Swing arunner26, January 6, 2025 Improve your golf swing by mastering the use of your lower body! Watch this Swing Clinic to learn valuable tips and drills for better performance. Continue Reading Videos Rory McIlroy’s be...
Titleist Staff Member Cameron McCormick is here with one of his favorite short game drills that will have you on your way to practicing like a pro and ultimately converting more up and downs from around... All VideosLong GameIron GameWedge GamePuttingCourse StrategyGolf FitnessAt Home ...
I can see some areas that have regressed. The sway has returned, I’ve introduced a hip slide with my downswing, I can get more consistency in my setup, and my head is much more mobile than ever before. The swing is workable in the meantime though, and I have a few drills in my ...
Also a great at-home practice tool, the “whoosh” drill syncs your swing into the proper, rhythmic order. 80% Drill This one merely requires hitting shots with 80% of your full power. If you’re not sure what that feels like, try this: ...
His approach of teaching with the simple swing approach and progressing to the full swing when ready is just right for the high school student and any golfer at any skill level. Dale understands the faults in any golfer and has just the right tips and drills for that person to fix their ...
How to Get Perfect Shaft Lean at Impact The Magic Box - How to Check Your Lower Body in the Transition Fix Swing Plane - Lead Arm Two Club Drill Add Lead Hand to Chipping Stroke Lag and Speed Drills 20 Yard Wedge Shot Basics Increase Lag - Impact Cube Drill Sergio Garcia Lag...
All, I’m a right handed golfer and have really been suffering from golfers elbow. The inside of my right elbow is killing me after a round. Does anyone have any advice on what is causing this and any swing advice to help put less stress on my right elbo
No matter your experience, handicap or skill level, you can develop quality impact on each swing, and become a better ball striker immediately with Drill Freak!