that means I’m coming up well short. Looking at my Shotscope data recently, My distance to the hole after a wedge shot needs some serious improvement. I am, on average, 25 feet away when hitting a wedge from the 25-50 yard range, which I obviously want to drop. That’s what I m...
The 8-iron through pitching wedge have a shorter blade height to assist shotmaking The KBS Tour Lite stock shaft is lightweight enough to help you speed through the impact zone. 7-iron: 31 degrees; PW: 44 degrees BUY NOW DETAILS TaylorMade P·790 Hot List Gold $200 per iron A...
Golf course, destination and product reviews, photography, rankings and ramblings from the Midwest's biggest golf addicts
the first of its kind since 1999, is heavily populated with representatives from theAmerica’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses ranking. These holes are why those courses are considered great. To formulate this ranking, Golf Digest compiled a list of more than 1,200 c...
movement and get the upper center too vertical or the torso too much "on top of the ball" or even over the left leg (i.e., lunging). In the attached images of Brendon Todd at the top of his backswing and start of his downswing (below from Golf Digest. Follow the Green Arrow. ...
It means despite being just 20 minutes from Bendm, itfeelslike it’s in the middle of nowhere. It also just so happens to be #40 on Golf Digest’s list of theTop 100 Public Courses in America. When I first started this blog, I made a goal that I wanted to play all of the top... Bob RosburgBob Rosburg was another accomplished player (understatement) who made an excellent commentator. He, too, always seemed genuinely impressed with how skillfully players would get out of trouble (usually after he used the phrase “he’s got no shot.”) ...
and super-super soft ball offering from TaylorMade. It is perfect for golfers with slower swing speeds, and will instantly add extra yardage to your drives. It is also of phenomenal value at only $15 for a dozen. The SuperDeep was awarded a gold medal fromGolf Digestin its annual Hot ...
Golf Digest We share advice on how to play, what to play and where to play. Think Young, Play Hard. 13K followers Follow PGA TOUR Official page of the PGA TOUR. These Guys Are Good. 9.8K followers Follow DP World Tour Welcome to the official All Square account of the DP World Tour...
Credit where credit is due, I'm using the below Mod 1 wedges from More Golf. When I first watched a few reviews on them, I thought they looked gimmicky as they look different than any wedge I've ever had in the bag. The truth of the matter is that they are not gimmicky at all...