The more the club resonates with our understanding of what a golf club should be, the higher the grade it receives. In short, this is a grade of what the player experiences when viewing, holding, swinging and hitting the club. Innovation: (30 percent) In consultation with our technical ...
The more the club resonates with our understanding of what a golf club should be, the higher the grade it receives. In short, this is a grade of what the player experiences when viewing, holding, swinging and hitting the club. Innovation: (30 percent) In consultation with our technical ... is the worldwide authority on how to play, what to play, and where to play golf.
在最新一届的评选中“布局多样性指数”也将双倍计分,“专业性指数”也将继续保持双倍计分。 Golf Digest最新球场评选标准: 专业性指数(Shot Options):球场设计在多大程度上提供了心理和战术的选择,并对那些需要深思熟虑和一定执行力相结合的风险提供奖励,以及能否每天选择不同的进攻方式。 可打性指数(Challenge):球...
作为全美最权威的高粉出行指南之一,Golf Digest全美百佳球场榜单在近日更新了其2023-2024的球场排名并引发关注。全新百佳榜单中有哪些新面孔?哪些球场排名上升最大?哪些又遭遇滑铁卢?一起来看看! 新面孔 位于夏威夷大岛东侧的纳尼亚今年首次跻身百佳行列,排在第49位。它2003年开业,但这家位置偏远的私人俱乐部花了20年...
Golf Digest provides an informative and entertaining read, offering an in-depth and balanced look at all facets of the game, including latest developments in the sport to tips on improving your game.
品牌故事 Golf Digest Online(GDO)是日本境內最大的高爾夫球網路商城,販售頂級高爾夫球設備、服飾與配件。 行銷目標 GDO過去曾透過電子郵件與其他顧客服務工具提供優惠,試圖藉此提高銷售業績。然而,由於其顧客區隔與選定僅來自行銷團隊的經驗與知識、而非資料分析,因此成效平平。 該品牌也嘗試以發送折價券的方式,邀請剛...
最新Golf Digest全美百佳球场榜单出炉,你打过多少? 55年来,Golf Digest两年一度的百佳球场榜单始终是球场建筑和设计的标杆。 当地图绘制公司1962年让Golf Digest选出美国最好的高尔夫球场提供给制图师时,我们的编辑说“不”。因为最好的选择太过主观。但他们认为,确认美国“最难”的球场是有可能的。因为球场难度...
Stay up to date on the latest golf news, gear, instruction and style from GOLF's expert writers, editors and Top 100 Teachers.
The Golf Digest Hot ListLists the top 10 golf equipment in 2003 based on the decision of a selected judges who are all golf experts in the U.S. Odyssey two-ball putter; Titleist Pro V1/Pro V1x balls; TaylorMade R500 series drivers.Stachur...