情商 为什么情商比智商更重要 Daniel Goleman 英文原版 Emotional Intelligence 丹尼尔戈尔曼 Goleman 进口英语畅销书籍 认识自我潜能、获得成功的重量级好书女王节,百万图书低至9.9元包邮 ¥55.00 降价通知 限时抢 暂无评分 15人评分精彩评分送积分 我要写评论 ...
Emotional intelligence这本书,是在分析情商,挑战Aristotle challenge. 于是决定读下去,记录一下心里里程。 阶段一: 没读明白。好像比以前更爱生气了。
Howard Gardner从1983年开始研究多元智能(Multiple Intelligence),他认为自我认识智能和人际关系智能与传统的通过IQ及相关测试来衡量的智能同样重要。 Salovey和Mayer在1990年,正式提出了情感智能(Emotional Intelligence,EI)和情商(Emotional Quotient,EQ)的概念。他们将EI定义为一种社会智能,它包括监督自己和他人情绪的能力...
Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman) - Book Summary Emotional Intelligence is the world's top bestseller with more than 5 million copies sold. The work outlines the nature of emotional intelligence and shows its enormous impact on so many facets of life. It also describes the ways emotional in...
The concept of emotional intelligence is well-known today, but it only sprang to prominence after the publication of this book by Daniel Goleman. Find out more about it in this Book Insight.
心理学家丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)的《情商》(Emotional Intelligence)。 戈尔曼说情商是“认知我们自己和他人感受,旨在激励自己以及很好地管理自己和相关人的情绪的能力”。 在书中,戈尔曼描述了情商的5项基本能力: ①自我认知能力; ②自我规制能力;
阅读理解Emotional IntelligenceGoleman is the writer of Emotional Intelligence, a great book about emotional intelligence (情商) or EQ is moreimportant than IQ in one's success in life. One of the highlights of the book is a test that Goleman calls “The Marshmallow(棉花糖)Challenge.In this ...
I have worked really hard on putting what we are learning about emotional intelligence into practice. Since the second week of the course, I have really felt a shift in my life and have been getting positive feedback from the people closest to me, including my husband, my daughter, and ...
Emotional intelligence is a concept based on how well an individual or group deals with emotions. Daniel Goleman's approach to emotional intelligence has five basic competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills: This paper demonstrates how many of these ...
What is Emotional Intelligence? We define Emotional Intelligence (or EI) as the ability to: Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and; Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. In practical terms, this means being aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact...