Goldman-sachs 戈德曼萨克斯 双语对照 例句:1.Their top management is almost all japanese; one board member is a u.s. goldman-sachs banker.他们是一家日本公司,最高管理层几乎都是日本人,其中一名董事会成员还是美国高盛集团(Goldman-Sachs)的银行家。
Georgia Weeks, Global Markets Division, Sydney:“I thoroughly enjoy building relationships with other commercially-minded women and sharing my experience and insights. Not only is it important to me for women to be financially independent, but to really pursue something that you love. Not so long...
高盛Goldman Sachs-校园招聘 Byacecareer2018年1月26日C1校园招聘投行,金融 Asia Pacific Summer Analyst Internship Australia – Melbourne Australia – Sydney and Perth Asia Pacific ex Japan Japan Early application is advised to ensure your application can be administered properly....
GoldmanSachsGroup CompanyProfile PublicationDate:9Apr2010 .datamonitor AsiaPacificAmericasEurope,MiddleEast&Africa Level462455thAvenue119FarringdonRoad 2ParkStreet4thFloorLondon Sydney,NSW2000NewYork,NY10016EC1R3DA AustraliaUSAUnitedKingdom t:+61287056900t:+12126867400t:+442075519000 ...