November 9, 2022 – Today we are pleased to announce the Partner Class of 2022, a group of 80 individuals who have been invited to become partners of Goldman Sachs as of January 1, 2023, the start of our next fiscal year. Every other year, we announce a new class of partners at the...
(Reuters) -Goldman Sachs promoted 95 bankers to its elite partner ranks, including 26 women, the Wall Street giant said on Thursday. The appointments, made every other year, rose from 80 partners named in 2022. The partnership is a legacy of Goldman's era as a private firm, when...
We are pleased to announce the Partner Class of 2022, a group of 80 individuals who have been invited to become partners of Goldman Sachs as of January 1, 2023, the start of our next fiscal year. Every other year, we announce a new class of partners at the firm, preserving the spirit...
NEW YORK, April 11, 2022 – The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“Goldman Sachs”) today announced the completion of the acquisition of NN Investment Partners from NN Group N.V. for €1.7 billion. NN Investment Partners will be integrated into Goldman Sachs Asset Management with the company’s ...
美国投资公司 高盛 (Goldman Sachs)近日宣布,将从NN Group N.V.手中收购NN Investment Partners,收购金额约为1.6亿欧元。在完成相关监管审批和其他条件成熟情况下,此次收购预计将于2022年第一季度末完成。NN Investment Partners是一家位于荷兰海牙的欧洲领先资产管理
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., a global leader in financial services, leverages Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) to bolster high performance computing (HPC) capabilities for risk calculations. Share: “By leveraging OCI's capabilities as a part of our process, we are poised to enhance performance, ...
牧原股份:Goldman Sachs、BAM等24家机构于5月11日调研我司 2022年5月12日牧原股份(002714)发布公告称:Goldman SachsTrina Chen Christina Qin Roy Shixx、BAMJerry Feng、BlueCrestTony Zhang、Cederberg CapLuke Hong、DWS Asset ManagementLily Jap、Fidelity InternationalEric ZHU、FMRIvan Xie、Goldenpine ...
2024年9月25日,箭牌家居披露接待调研公告,公司于9月25日接待Goldman Sachs、Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc、Fullerton Inv Mgmt (Shanghai) Co Ltd3家机构调研。公告显示,箭牌家居参与本次接待的人员共2人,为副总经理、董事会秘书杨伟华,证券事务代表肖艳丽。调研接待地点为佛山市顺德区乐从镇创兴一路1号...
利安隆:Goldman Sachs、Aberdeen等17家机构于5月10日调研我司 2022年5月11日利安隆(300596)发布公告称:Goldman SachsNick Zheng Cayle Song Sherry Shi、AberdeenStephanie Li、Allianz Global InvestorsKelvin Wong Catherine Chan、China Industrial Secs Intl FinancialHaimao Bao、EastspringYuan Yiu Tsai、JP Morgan...
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