Our leading global Investment Banking business delivers M&A and financing services that drive enduring success that transcends individual transactions.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global investment banking, securities, and asset and wealth management firm that provides a wide range of financial services.
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最近访问:Goldman Sachs Access Investment --- 全球指数美股行情美股吧国际期货 - -- 今开: - 最高价: - 成交量: - 外盘: - 昨收: - 最低价: - 成交额: - 内盘: - 总股本: - 振幅: - 换手率: - 每股收益TTM: - 总市值: - 市净率MRQ: - ...
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1.Investment Banking:很多投行的主要revenue都来自于IBD,可以说是核心部门中的精英团队,主要包括M&A,...
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有限合伙,Limited Partnership的缩写,一种将普通合伙人的有限责任与一次纳税待遇相结合的商主体形式 http://wiki.answers.com的解释:Limited Partnership. Sometimes called Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP.不用谢,我也是google出来的
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