Staying an Inch Above the Substrate When active, goldfish swim to any part of the tank. But when tired and conditions are conducive to sleeping, they will look for a spot to rest. Usually, they occupy an inch above the substrate.
Thewater at the tank’s surface contains more oxygenthan water at the bottom. If you notice your Goldfish coming to the top of the tank often and gasping for breath, then they may not be getting enough oxygen. But if your fish is floating at the top and cannot swim freely, they may ...
These goldfish tend to be quite peaceful but playful and active fish. They are often spotted foraging around the bottom of the tank but may also be seen begging humans for food. Red Cap Orandas, like other goldfish breeds, are highly intelligent fish that are capable of recognizing patterns,...
for goldfish, cleanliness is next to happiness. This is especially true when it comes to their tank. So, if you wonder why yourgoldfish not eating and staying at top, unfavorable water conditions can be one of the leading causes.
That problem seems to have ceased, but now, the same fish will just kind of lay on the bottom of the tank in a corner. <A fish with swim bladder problems will either be floating or sitting at the bottom since it has difficulty keeping himself even. With a fish like this It's best...
(today is the third day since I first saw them). <Could be just resultant from the nitrites presence> The fish has seemingly normal behavior, swims frequently and apparently with ease, very interested in eating, does not hang out at the top or bottom of tank, etc. The fish definitely ...
When you drop a bit of pea into the water, it may sink to the bottom of the tank. Fish with swim bladder disorder may have trouble swimming to the bottom to reach the food. If necessary, hold the pea on the water's surface until your fish can move close enough to eat it.[5] ...