<Mmm, no... if I had chatted with you previous to the experiment I would have encouraged you to use another test species/model... likely zebra danios... Brachydanio rerio, as much has been done with these... they're readily available, cheap...> I have read that the colour change ...
Hi. My family recently got a 1 gallon bowl with rocks etc for cheap so we thought we'd start a collection of a few guppies. In all fairness, I thought it was 2 gallons. And then we planned to upside to a 10gallon. We got a couple feeder goldfish to trial with since we are fi...
Sometime after the Goldfish died we put his house on the market. The solicitor emailed me after the photos had been taken for the sales brochure. At the end of the usual solicitor-speak explanation of how things would proceed he added, ‘There appears to be a boat winch bolted in place ...
But while sales of Goldfish Dreams are too low to draw any real conclusions, sales of Goblin Tales seem to follow a very similar dropping-off curve to sales of my print books. (The June numbers look like they’ll continue in this pattern.) I have no idea whether releasingKitemaster & O...
Yes, I was being cheap, yes I am Chinese, you can put the two together. But I did have a sliver of conscience: I decided to split the difference. I took a few packets from Starbucks, and stopped by Peet’s down the street and take some from them also! (Since I had met Casey ...