Male and female goldfish reproduce when water temperatures rise. When the temperature in the pond or tank reaches 68 degrees Fahrenheit, female goldfish release hundreds and sometimes thousands of eggs near aquatic vegetation. Male goldfish quickly release their milt in the same area to fertilize the...
If you see breeding stars on your goldfish, it means it is male. However, on very rare cases, they also appear on female goldfish and a male goldfish may fail to show the stars depending on the tank conditions. –Examine the Shape and Length of the Front Fins Male goldfish have front ...
Effects of serotonin (5-HT) on serum gonadotropin (GtH) levels were studied in female and male goldfish, Carassius auratus L. Intraperintoneal (ip) administration of 5-HT (10 μ/g) produced a significant increase in serum levels of GtH at 0.5, 1, and 2 hr but not at 3–4 hours, ...
Thus, it is thought that administration of PG and androgens to male and female goldfish could eas- ily induce gender-typical and heterotypic sexual behavior. Olfaction has recently been identified as one of the critical factors for sexual behavior in female goldfish, as well as in male goldfish...
<You would see male goldfish chasing female goldfish before the fish would be laying eggs. It's quite noticeable action. If you would like to learn more on breeding goldfish there are many sites and books devoted to it. A good starting point is As well as going to...
Previous studies have demonstrated that ovulatory female goldfish release a variety of sex steroids into the water where they function as a pheromonal blend dominated by C 21 steroids that stimulates male hormone release, sperm production and behavior. This study investigated whether male goldfish might...
The easiest time to tell your male and female goldfish apart is during spawning times. This is because both fish undergo both physical and behavioral changes. Goldfish spawning time is naturally during the spring and summer when waters start to warm. With the power of anaquarium heaterand water...
spawning behavior and natural spawning will likely occur. If natural spawning proves unsuccessful, a gentle rub can be applied to the vent of a male and a female to release the sperm and eggs, respectively, which will then be combined in swirled water. Goldfish in captivity have a tendency ...
Gold Koi Carp represents wealth and prosperity, blue serenity, and red positivity. Breeding Breeding Koi Carp may seem relatively easy; simply place a male and female together in a pond and let nature run its course. However, it’s not quite that simple. The problem is that it’s rather ...
commonly used by professional goldfish breeders is to separate the male and female goldfish. When you reintroduce them to each other, they will be more interested in making baby goldfish. This method does however mean that you must know which fish that is male and which fish that is female....