Is ethics a social science? What did Aristotle do? Read Next Philosophers to Know, Part I What’s the Difference Between Morality and Ethics? Plato and Aristotle: How Do They Differ? Order in the Court: 10 “Trials of the Century” ...
In this short essay we argue that social science is entering a golden age, marked by explosive growth in new data and analytic methods, interdisciplinarity, and a recognition that both of those ingredients are necessary to solve hard problems.Two examples are given to illustrate these themes, ...
16:9 Like Download Luxury Jewelry Brand Social Media Strategy Money is for spending, according to many. Isn't that right, as long as it applies to those who can afford it? You can spend it on a new car, traveling, a new gaming computer, or jewelry. This! The latter kind of cu...
In August 2021, the space agencies of the five BRICS nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - signed an agreement for cooperation on BRICS remote sensing satellite constellation for economic and social development. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s state visit to ...
Nudge for thee but not for me? This all reminds me of a general phenomenon, that “incentives matter” always seems like a good motto forother people, but we rarely seem to want it forourselves. For example, there’s lots of talk about how being worried about losing your job is a goo...
Besides the GR solution, an alternative solution concept for a class of games called Pareto solvable games, which includes the UG, was proposed by Capraro and coworkers17. It is an extension of the concept of “cooperative equilibrium”, which assumes that players form coalitions and act coopera...
The enterprise nature of the event ledger implies a set of enterprise class capabilities such as an ability to scale for very large amounts of events, an ability to cover a flexible set of transaction semantics , payload syntax, and serverless options when running in a public cloud or as ...
social movements seek to dislodge the abuses of technology from their foundational places in the economic system, and indeed, in the psyche. Today, experimental social formations articulated across divides of class, race, education, and professional specialization can find ways to perceptually explore ...
It hurts most citizens, especially the middle class, because savings and current income, such as pensions, lose value. Because of these redistribution effects, high inflation can lead to severe societal imbalances. Uncertainty regarding real returns on investment reduces the savings rate, ...
Stephanie received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. More about psychology 'It's better to be safe than sorry': How superstitions may still benefit us What do...