The meaning of GOLDEN SHINER is a small common cyprinid fish (Notemigonus crysoleucas) of eastern North America having silvery sides with bright golden reflections and often used as bait.
Golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas) generally reinrested Ball Pond, New Fairfield, Connecticut in greater numbers after each of six successive rotenone reclamations carried out from 1957 to 1974. To determine if Ball Pond golden shiners had developed resistance to rotenone, paired bioassays ...
We conducted an outdoor feeding trial with Golden Shiners Notemigonus crysoleucas using diets with 22% or 28% protein from different sources. The 28% protein diet with soybean (SOY) meal was the control, and the three other diets contained 22% protein mainly from SOY, corn gluten feed (...
Golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas) generally reinrested Ball Pond, New Fairfield, Connecticut in greater numbers after each of six successive rotenone reclamations carried out from 1957 to 1974. To determine if Ball Pond golden shiners had developed resistance to rotenone, paired bioassays ...
LUDWIG G M.Effect of golden shiners on plankton and water quality in ponds managed for intensive production. Journalof the World Aquaculture Society . 1989LUDWIG G M.Effect of golden shiners on plankton and water quality in ponds managed for intensive production. Journalof the World Aquaculture ...
Golden shiners were assigned one of three diets with four replicate aquaria per diet and fed to apparent satiation twice daily for 16 weeks before the challenge. Diets (30.3 ± 0.31% crude protein; mean ± SE) were similar to a commercial formula and contained (1) 4% poultry fat (control...
Off-season spawning of golden shiners. Progressive Fish-Culturist 58:62-64.Rowan, M., and N. Stone. 1996. Off-season spawning of golden shiners. Progressive Fish-Culturist 58:62- 64.Rowan M, Stone N. 1996. Off-season spawning of golden shiners. The Progressive Fish- Culturist 58: 62-...
Influence of pH, salinity, calcium, and ammonia source on acute ammonia toxicity to golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas. J World Aquacult Soc 41:411-420.Todd D.Sink.Influence of pH, Salinity, Calcium, and Ammonia Source on Acute Ammonia Toxicity to Golden Shiners, Notemigonus crysole...
We hypothesize for golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas , raised in split‐ponds (SPS), that the waste treatment unit (WTU) would be a zooplankton refuge. To examine this hypothesis, a 6‐week study was conducted in six traditional earthen ponds (TEP) and six SPS (each 0.04 ha) ...
1960. Heavy mortality of golden shiners during harvest due to a bacterium of the genus Aeromonas. Progressive Fish-Culturist 22:11 - 14.Lewis, William M. and Michael Bender. 1960. Heavy mortality of golden shiners during harvest due to a bacterium of the genus Aeromonas. Progressive Fish ...