外观 Fine yellow powder 原材料产地 中国 使用的部件 根 规格 10%Berberine;5:1 证书 Organic,Kosher, Halal,ISO9001,ISO22000 保质期 密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。 包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。 存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。 功能 It has the effect of clearing...
Product Description: Golden seal root Extract Product Name: Golden seal root Extract Latin name: Thalictrum simplex L. var. brevipes Hara Specification : Alkaloid 10%,20%; Berberine 10%,20% Appearance: Brown fine powder Test Method : HPLC Extract Method:Grain...
Two sample t-tests showed a significant reduction in uric acid levels when goldenseal root powder was given to subjects. All data was taken significantly at p<0.05.Mustafai, Muhammad MuqaddasSaeed, AaliaKanwal, FarkhandaHaq, IhteshamulMahreen, Hina...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: golden seal root powder golden seal root powder分享到: 北美黄莲粉分类: 中草药单体 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗?
Golden Seal Root Extract Product Name:Golden Seal Root ExtractBotanical Source:Coptis chinensis FranchPart Used:RootSpecification:5%~10%AlkaloidsAppearance:Brown Yellow Powder Golden seal is one of the most popular herbs which its numerous uses are attributed to its antibiotic, anti-inflammator...
Product name: Golden seal Extract,Goldenseal Root Extract, Goldenseal Root Powder Extract,Goldenseal Root P.E. Botanical source: Hydrastiscanadensis Specification: berberine 98%,3:1 Goldenseal Root Extract Function: Its dry roots and rhizomes are used for medicine. The plant is included in the Unite...
公司名称:斯堪的纳维亚公式推荐 联系电话:800-688-2276 电子邮件:mikep@scandinavianformulas.com 国籍:美国 产品介绍:英文名称:GOLDEN SEAL POWDER (15% BERBERINE) CB指数:58 网址:www.scandinavianformulas.com 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(1550)用户评价 1...
The root and/or the above-ground part of the plant during the flowering growth phase are used in herbal medicine.Echinacea was used by Native Americans for a variety of conditions, including venomous bites and other external wounds. It was introduced into U.S. medical practice in 1887 and ...
▢ 3 tbsp arrowroot powder or cornflour ▢ Juice of 2 limes For the icing and decoration ▢ 225 g (8oz) dairy-free spread ▢ 450 g (16oz) icing sugar, sifted ▢ 1 tbsp strained passion fruit juice ▢ 1 tsp vanilla or coconut extract ▢ 1 firm mango to decorate ▢ Li...
外观 Fine yellow powder 原材料产地 中国 使用的部件 根 规格 10%Berberine;5:1 证书 Organic,Kosher, Halal,ISO9001,ISO22000 保质期 密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。 包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。 存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。 功能 It has the effect of clearing...