Examples Let us consider the following examples to see how the concept works: Example 1 – Golden Rules X purchases machinery using cash. Two accounts are involved in this transaction – an asset (machinery) account and a cash account, which fall under the real account. Therefore, the journal...
As such, the platinum rule is not inherently better than the golden rule, and there are cases where it’s preferable to use the two rules together, or to use the golden rule by itself. Note: the platinum rule is sometimes referred to by other names, such as the copper rule or the ...
“Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law." - Kant’s Categorical Imperative is the primary philosophical concept in the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant. This imperative basically dictates to follow the rules that apply...
The golden rule of cooking is to use fresh ingredients. 烹饪的重要原则是原料要新鲜。 Examples from the Corpus golden rule•Mygolden ruleof cooking is to use the best of fresh ingredients.•Aspiring rock artists should remember onegolden rulewhen dealing with the press: there are no rules....
Examples from the Corpusgolden rule• My golden rule of cooking is to use the best of fresh ingredients.• Aspiring rock artists should remember one golden rule when dealing with the press: there are no rules.• They discovered and applied the golden rule of leading change: Do unto ...
•Aspiringrockartistsshould remember onegolden rulewhen dealing with thepress: there are norules.•Theydiscoveredandappliedthegolden ruleof leading change: Do unto yourself what you would have others do unto themselves.•Intermsof thegolden ruleof change, it caused them to do unto themselves ...
The meaning of GOLDEN RULE is a rule of ethical conduct referring to Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: do to others as you would have them do to you. How to use golden rule in a sentence.
Play by the rules.Don’t cut in line. Wait your turn. Listen to others.Communicate. Don’t just take turns talking. Be unbiased.Never judge someone you don’t know. Keep an open mind.Search for the truth bylistening to opposing argumentsand letting others challenge your views and opinions...
Sometimes you’ll find that the golden ratio suits a design perfectly, while other times, you’ll come up with clever ideas that don’t necessarily adhere to the rules. That’s fine—for as many designs you’ll find out there in the world that fulfill the golden ratio, you’ll find ne...
Finally, remember that there are no hard-and-fast rules for writing.If you’re worried that you’re telling too much and not showing enough, but your writing still flows well and engages readers, don’t feel obligated to change it! And as Jim Thomas says in the video above: “In the...