Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to golden rule:Golden ratio the golden rule The maxim that one should treat other people the way one would like to be treated, often expressed proverbially as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."My son wanted to steal the bike of a boy...
golden rule N→ regla f de orogolden share N→ participación f mayoritariagolden syrup N (Brit)→ miel f de caña, melaza f de cañathe Golden Triangle N→ el Triángulo Dorado or de Orogolden wedding (anniversary) N→ bodas fpl de oro Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and ...
Define golden nettle. golden nettle synonyms, golden nettle pronunciation, golden nettle translation, English dictionary definition of golden nettle. n See archangel3 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol
Definition of golden in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is golden? Meaning of golden as a legal term. What does golden mean in law?
Sample 1 Related toGolden Ridge WesternLONDON agrees that it will keep records relating to its services hereunder in accordance with all applicable laws, and in compliance with the requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, WESTERN LONDON hereby agrees that any records that it maintains for...
- Grids: Rule of thirds, golden ratio, square, Golden spiral - Exif data - Pick photo from library menu item in the photo viewer - 6tag sharing - 8 modes: Manual, Program, Portrait, Macro, Scenic, Custom 1-3 - Auto straightening - Live straightening - GPS tagging - much more... ...
and many other terms, and its limitations, flexibility, and function have been widely articulated and debated. But the essence of medical ethics, the golden rule, has been largely overlooked or undervalued: “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew ...
Legal Professional Privilege: The Golden RuleR v Derby Magistrates’ CourtEx parte BLord Lloyd of BerwickLord Nicholls of BirkenheadLord Keith of KinkelLord Mustillattorney-client privilegeprivilegeJeremy BenthamJohn Henry WigmoreThe fallacy of the absolutist nature of attorney-client privilege owes much...
Define Golden wedding. Golden wedding synonyms, Golden wedding pronunciation, Golden wedding translation, English dictionary definition of Golden wedding. Noun 1. wedding anniversary - the anniversary of the day on which you were married anniversary, day
Define golden root. golden root synonyms, golden root pronunciation, golden root translation, English dictionary definition of golden root. part of a plant normally below the ground; basic cause, source, or origin: the root of the problem Not to be confu