Related to golden rule:Golden ratio the golden rule The maxim that one should treat other people the way one would like to be treated, often expressed proverbially as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."My son wanted to steal the bike of a boy who stole his lunch mone...
Sample 1 Related toGolden Ridge WesternLONDON agrees that it will keep records relating to its services hereunder in accordance with all applicable laws, and in compliance with the requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, WESTERN LONDON hereby agrees that any records that it maintains for...
golden rule的词义为:n.重要原则,金科玉律;等。了解更多golden rule的英语在线翻译,单词golden rule的意思,golden rule的音标,,golden rule的发音,golden rule的近义词,golden rule的反义词,golden rule怎么记,golden rule的双语例句等相关知识,敬请登录瑞鸿网英语词典(dic
Golden RuleTrainingState PracticeLaw of armed conflict (LOAC) training employs different rationales to motivate soldiers and to induce their compliance with LOAC rules. Of these, none is as conZommer, MatthewSocial Science Electronic Publishing
golden rule N→ regla f de orogolden share N→ participación f mayoritariagolden syrup N (Brit)→ miel f de caña, melaza f de cañathe Golden Triangle N→ el Triángulo Dorado or de Orogolden wedding (anniversary) N→ bodas fpl de oro Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and ...
2025 America stands ready to enter a new golden age, founded on the radical notion that the promises made to the American people—promises to put America and American citizens first, to return dignity and respect to working families, and to restore the rule of law—must be kept. Tom Rogers...
Define golden plovers. golden plovers synonyms, golden plovers pronunciation, golden plovers translation, English dictionary definition of golden plovers. n any of several plovers of the genus Pluvialis, such as P. apricaria of Europe and Asia, that have
Definition of golden in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is golden? Meaning of golden as a legal term. What does golden mean in law?
Define golden section. golden section synonyms, golden section pronunciation, golden section translation, English dictionary definition of golden section. n. A ratio, observed especially in the fine arts, between the two dimensions of a plane figure or t
but practically all of the world’s religions have proclaimed the law in clear terms or parables. The golden rule has been stated by philosophers and great sages throughout history. Buddha and Confucius for example, have their versions. Even though the wordings of the rule differ from religion...