Golden Rule(黄金法则, 又被称为Purposive Rule)仍然按照字面进行解释,但如果可能会导致比较absurd的结局...
Jesus Christ. Not only that, but practically all of the world’s religions have proclaimed the law in clear terms or parables. The golden rule has been stated by philosophers and great
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the International Law Commission to continue to comment, in their respective reports to the Assembly, on their current roles in promoting the rule of law; invited the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group and the Rule of Law Unit to...
system, when the lawful decisions of our judges do not please this administration, that judge’s authority to make decisions can be taken away. This is an insult to the work that our judges put in to understand a case and to apply the law, and places a thumb on the scales of justice...
Without this promise you may be “gagged” and as already explained in Rule 4 you can lose your case without being allowed to say a word! Remember this:- IF YOU CAN’T SPEAK IN COURT YOU RARELY WIN !!! Remember above all that your objective must be to WIN YOUR CASE ! Not to “...
The golden-rule also suggests that if you would prefer that others act in a way that is kind and helpful to you, then you should take similar actions to be kind and helpful to others. In this case, the golden-rule implies a “do good” imperative. Thus, actions such as giving to th...
However, this need not be the case, because when order is largely based on moral commitments rather than on the law, and autonomy is regarded as a place in a social space, these two social virtues can reinforce each other.Using this framework, Etzioni studies the implications for the future...
But the Golden Rule is not a law of nature, and is usually subordinate to any of the three, if they are active. In the case of the girl, though, all were satisfied and quiescent. Her life was not in danger, and she had recently breakfasted; she loved and was loved, with no rival...
Golden Rule); it must be a “higher morality.” This leads libertarian theorists — or most of them, in my reading — toward “natural rights” and “natural law.” But, as atheists (which most libertarian theorists seem to be), they cannot attribute “natural rights” or “natural law...
Africans rebel against colonial rule; the Chinese populace rises up against the authoritarian Communist government. The book begins with a description of a rabbit, caught in a trap, suddenly developing the ability to reason its way out — a metaphor for the invisible prison within which humankind...