Small conscientious holistic breeder of top quality AKC Certified, English Cream, White Golden Retriever Puppies
Also, a Petite Goldendoodle can weigh up to 20 pounds while a Mini Goldendoodle weighs a little more at 30 pounds. Both of these hybrid dogs have one parent who is a Golden Retriever and one who is a poodle. They are both intelligent and have a tremendous amount of energy. Plus, both...
Would an older Golden Retriever puppy have a hard time bonding with its new family? No. There are two main reasons why this is not a worry. First, the Golden Retriever is one of the best breeds in the world at social interaction and bonding with humans. Many people say that Goldens are...
Kristen Shroyerat iheartgoldenretrievers is the proud creator of #GoldenRetrieverDay. A quick story about how this holiday came about: One day while watching the news with a cup of coffee and her golden, Quincey, at her feet – the newscasters were celebrating national “Eat Cherry Pie Day...
Golden Retriever dogs appear to be predisposed. This disorder affects young to young-adult dogs, with age range of onset from about 6 to 18 months. Clinical signs are of sudden onset of bilateral nonpainful exophthalmos. Gross lesions of swelling and pallor can be seen within extraocular ...
Bleu is a lovely golden retriever with an uncommon hobby; Bleu loves to sing. The musical girl discovered her love for the musical arts as a youngster, after her mother Ana Brown hung up a set of wind chimes in the yard. When Sweet Little Baby Girl heard
At 5 months, Macey is starting look more and more like a real Golden Retriever. “I make these look good”. A while back, we started[…] Macey at 17, 18, and 19 Weeks July 17, 2019Mike Jackson2 Macey weighed in at 29.8 pounds on her 17th week and 32 pounds on her 18th week....
Police in Colorado founda lost golden retrieverby happenstance over the weekend, three months after the animal fled from a car accident and went missing. The dog, named Farah, was discovered as sheriff's deputies in Fremont County, near Colorado Springs, conducted a drone training session on S...
A 6.2﹜ear﹐ld 28﹌g (61.7 lb) intact female Golden Retriever was referred due to persistent and multiple cytopenias noted on a routine CBC prior to a mature ovariohysterectomy procedure. The patient's physical examination was unremarkable, and staging of the thorax and abdomen identified no ...
The puppy price is $3800, male or female, and reflects the quality of breeding and the resources we have invested in our dogs including acquiring all health clearances as outlined by the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA). We require a deposit of $500 to reserve a puppy, with the ...