Diversity, equity and inclusion is a major theme interwoven throughout the National Society of Professional Engineer’s strategic plan. It was also recently enrolled into the NSPE Code of Ethics1. It is increasingly a strategic imperative for any future-focused, proactive profession or professional s...
However, I argue that Hare's derivation involves a hidden and unjustifiable extension from TGR, and show how the most plausible form of TGR is compatible with multiple contradictory principles for the treatment of future persons. I appeal to our own preferences to argue that one extension of ...
[Stanford] - CS221 Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques - Contains a simple self-driving project and simulator. [MIT] 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars - an introduction to the practice of deep learning through the applied theme of building a self-driving car. [MIT] ...
Golden Rule Principles The golden rule of sales stands on its own. A golden rule salesperson doesn't help clients because she expects clients to help her. She does it because it's the way she does business, period. She will also have a strong sense of integrity, because being treated hon...
In X Council v B (Emergency Protection Orders) [2005] 1 FLR 341, in the course of setting out a number of guiding principles in relation to emergency protection orders, Munby J held that ‘separation is only to be contemplated if immediate separation is essential to secure the child’s sa...
Case Studies: Engage with real-world case studies to apply GPP principles in practical scenarios. Introduction and Administration: Master the fundamentals of GPP introduction and administration for seamless implementation in professional practice. Using the Golden in Group Settings: Learn how to leverage ...
Free Gift #1: The Principles of Hermetic Philosophy Dive into the foundational secrets that form the core of our curriculum. Learn the Laws of the Human Soul to unlock miraculous powers of manifestation. This book reveals secret knowledge, now directly tied to our program’s teachings, in a di...
Bimetallic nanoparticles with tailored structures constitute a desirable model system for catalysts, as crucial factors such as geometric and electronic effects can be readily controlled by tailoring the structure and alloy bonding of the catalytic site.
Ethics statements Research protocols for the study was granted by the Chinese Academy of Science, complied with the principles approved by animal care committees of the Wildlife Protection Society of Shaanxi Province, China, and adhered to the regulatory requirements of Zhouzhi National Reserve, China...
RELIGIOUSETHICS(FromReligionforDummies:http://.dummies/) Religiousethicsarethemoralprinciplesthatguidereligionsandthatsetthe standardforwhatisandisn'tacceptablebehavior.Surprisinglysimilarfrom onereligiontothenext,thesefundamentalprinciplesflowfromthecorebeliefs andancientwisdomofreligion,aswellasitsteachersandtraditions...