发现一片不错的英文文章介绍了什么是「黄金中道 Golden Mean」, 作了个粗糙的翻译,共享给大家。(请不吝赐教,留言您的感想、意见!) [原文] Golden Mean The concept of Aristotle's theory of golden mean is represented in his work called Nicomachean Ethics, in which Aristotle explains the origin, nature...
Golden Mean The concept of Aristotle's theory of golden mean is represented in his work called Nicomachean Ethics, in which Aristotle explains the origin, nature and development of virtues which are essential for achieving the ultimate goal, happiness (Greek: eudaimonia), which must be desired for...
coffee and the good life the bean and the golden meanAristotle, first philosopher in Western tradition good life, Nichomachean Ethics, complete and widely read treatise on subjectEudaimonia, Ergon, and Espresso the Greek word eudiamonia translated as happiness...
Reason,mean and eudemonia——the research of Aristotle s theory of moral choice; 理性、中道与幸福——探讨亚里士多德的道德选择理论 3. He proposed the education view which was characterized with mean. 他提出以中道为特色的教育观,主张以德育,智育、美育、体育为依托,以中道为原则,培养公民政治方面的德性...
TheDoctrineOfTheGoldenMeaninChineseDiplomacy Abstract:The“GoldenMean”diplomacy,firstandforemost,emphasizes balance.Commitmenttothemiddlewaymeansrefusaltoextremesand confrontations.Balanceisatthecoreofthetheoryof“GoldenMean” diplomacy.Thevariousprocessesintheinternationalrelationsare ...
Confucius and Aristotle s Golden Mean Comparative Study; 孔子的中庸与亚里士多德的中道比较研究 2. Discussion on justice of themeanby Confucius; 论孔子中庸思想的公正意蕴 5) the golden mean 中庸 1. A Critical Look at the Golden Mean by the Confucianists and Eclecticism by the Buddhists; ...
1.Confucius and Aristotle s Golden Mean Comparative Study;孔子的中庸与亚里士多德的中道比较研究 2.Discussion on justice of the mean by Confucius;论孔子中庸思想的公正意蕴 4)the golden mean中庸 1.A Critical Look at the Golden Mean by the Confucianists and Eclecticism by the Buddhists;儒家中庸思想...
The variation of the doctrine of the golden mean originates from the dual character of the original Confucian moral theory,which is based on the theory of mind and nature.The primitive Confucianism takes the heart of the subject as the combination of the metaphysical ontology and the morality,an...
5.The "Sincerity" Proposition of Confucian Mean Theory and it's Contemporary Meaning儒家中庸思想的“至诚”主张及现代意蕴 6.“The Meanis the Highest Virtue and the Extreme Beauty” --A New Exploration on Aristotle s Aesthetic Thought;“中庸是最高的善和极端的美”——亚里士多德中庸思想新探 7....
A Comparative Study of Two Doctrines of“Golden Mean”between Confucius and Aristotle OIANG Chen, OIAN Chang,zhao ,Department(f Phi)osophy,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062( China) Abstract, The doctrines of the“Go,den Mean” have had a very important status both in Chinese and Western histori...