golden mean介绍英文 Golden Mean Introduction In philosophy, ethics, and moral philosophy, the concept of the golden mean is an important consideration. The golden mean refers to the philosophy that holds that the best approach to life and ethical problems is to find a balance or middle ground,...
golden mean英文解释The Golden Mean A Path to Balanced Living The golden mean is an ancient philosophy that has been around for thousands of years. It is a concept that is rooted in the belief that balance is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. The golden mean teaches us to seek a...
15.The Thoughts of Educational Philosophy in " The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean";《大学》《中庸》中的教育哲学思想 16.On the Unity of the Confucian Ideal for Moderation and the Mean with the Truthfu l,the Good and the Beautiful;儒家中庸、中和是“真善美”的统一 17.An ...
The Doctrine of the Golden Mean ( 《中庸》 ) is one of the Four Books ( 《四书》 ), part of the Confucian canonical scriptures. The philosophy by this name, literally meaning the “felicitous middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency,” emphasizes equilibrium ...
大小写变形:Golden Mean 实用场景例句 全部 The Division adhere to thegolden meanbusiness, integrity - based. 本司坚持中庸从商, 诚信为本. 互联网 My philosophy of life is to stick close to thegolden mean. 我的生活哲理,就是近乎中庸之道. ...
1)The Golden Mean中庸思想 1.This paper analyzes on the golden mean in the market subdivision,on the golden mean in the marketing environment especially in the political environment,on the golden mean between the traditional marketing and the network marketing,and on the golden mean in the integra...
A Philosophy of Comedy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University PressThe Dark Voyage and the Golden Mean. Cook,Albert. Theories of Comedy . 1949Cook, Albert, The Dark Voyage and the Golden Mean, W.W. Norton and Co., Inc. (New York, 1966)...
Inphilosophy,especiallythatofAristotle,thegoldenmeanisthedesirablemiddle betweentwoextremes,oneofexcessandtheotherofdeficiency.Asageonce reducedallvirtuetothegoldenmean.Pushrighttotheextremeanditbecomes wrong;pressallthejuicefromanorangeanditbecomesbitter.Eveninenjoyment ...
The core of the Golden Mean, which is the great achievement of Chinese traditional philosophy, is "holding the middle, trying to moderate, and keeping the middle dynamically without any unbalanced and extreme". Comparing the Golden Mean and Neijing from the forming time, the idea of the repres...
My philosophy of life is to stick close to the golden mean. 我的生活哲理,就是近乎中庸之道。 —— 给力词典精选 5. You´d better find the golden mean between the two extremes. 你最好找到两个极端之间的中庸之道。 —— 给力词典精选 ...