Chinese international Wu Lei has been listed in the 2022 Golden Foot Award 30-man nominations alongside Lionel Messi, Karim Benzema and Neymar, the organizing committee revealed on Sunday.The Golden Foot Award is an international footba...
Chinese international Wu Lei has been listed in the 2022 Golden Foot Award 30-man nominations alongside Lionel Messi, Karim Benzema and Neymar, the organizing committee revealed on Sunday. The Golden Foot Award is an international football award sponsored by Monarchy of Monaco since 2003, aiming to...
Chinese international Wu Lei has been listed in the 2022 Golden Foot Award 30-man nominations alongside Lionel Messi, Karim Benzema and Neymar, the organizing committee revealed on Sunday. The Golden Foot Award is an international football award sponsored by Monarchy of Monaco since 2003, aiming to...
网络金足奖 网络释义 1. 金足奖 金足奖(Golden Foot award)是一个授予年龄大于29岁的杰出足球运动员的国际足球奖项。该奖项旨在表彰球员取得的成绩、 …|基于10个网页
【Golden Foot award】波尔图门将卡西利亚斯获得2017年金足奖。金足奖成立于2003年,由摩纳哥王室赞助、蒙特卡洛“世界冠军俱乐部”主办的足球终身成就奖,是一个授予年龄大于29岁,在足球领域取得突出成就的运动员的奖项。作为奖品的“金足”货真价实,其使用的黄金重量超过200克。 k...
he arrived at the Spanish capital. The player made a massive $100 million plus move to Madrid from Borussia Dortmund. While critics were unsure if the player would live up to the price tag, Bellingham has proven everyone wrong. The Englishman has yet t...
thegoldenfootaward网络年度金足奖 网络释义 1. 年度金足奖 2009年度金足奖(TheGoldenFootAward)评选揭晓,AC米兰的巴西球星罗纳尔迪尼奥最终当选。此外,伊基塔、布洛欣、博…|基于3个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
1恭喜你获得2011年度金足奖(The Golden Foot award),要知道这是你拿到这个奖是实至名归的.你是天生的领袖,你是个伟大的球员.我为你出色的足球技术着迷,感叹你超高的足球智商.你的存在让足球更加有魅力!希望你的职业生涯可以更加辉煌,希望你可以踢到45岁,因为看不到你踢球是种遗憾.你让曼联变得更加强大. 2 恭...
解答一 举报 我来帮你!Congratulations!You have earned the Golden Foot award of 2011.You totally deserve it of what you have done.(实至名归不太好翻 我意译了 意思是你所做的努力和你的获得是完全堆成的)You were borned ... 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 更多答案(3) ...