Golden Eagles zijn munten in de game die kunnen worden uitgegeven aan een Premium-account en voor aanvullende onderdelen premium machines, sneller meer manschappen, aanvullende plaatsen in een hangar en reservevliegtuigen. De munten kunnen ook worden ing
1 jugador 32 jugadores online Versión para PS4 PS Camera opcional Juego en 3D estereoscópico Violencia Calificaciones War Thunder - 10000 Golden Eagles Calificación global de los jugadores 5.00Calificación promedio: 5 estrellas de cinco estrellas en un total de 7 calificaciones ...
Voor 1000 Eagles kun je een Premium-account voor een week kopen, waarmee je twee keer meer RP kunt verdienen, evenals meer Silver Lions voor elke strijd of een van de premium-machines.
For 2500 Eagles you can purchase a Premium account for a month, allowing you to earn two times more RP as well as more Silver Lions for each battle, or one of the top rank premium vehicle.
Golden Eagles are our in-game currency which you can use to purchase: Premium vehicles. A Premium account - increases the earning rate of Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle for a set amount of days. This is cumulative with bonuses from premium vehicles! Silver Lions exchange. ...
For 2500 Eagles you can purchase a Premium account for a month, allowing you to earn two times more RP as well as more Silver Lions for each battle, or one of the top rank premium vehicle.
Gaijin Distribution Kft•射擊 提出遊戲要求 未分級 此內容需要遊戲 (個別販售)。 描述 Golden Eagles are our in-game currency which you can use to purchase: Premium vehicles - increases the earning rate of Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle and comes pre-equipped with all available...
The quickest way to get Golden Eagles inWar Thunderis tobuy them for real money. While this sounds counterintuitive when talking about free methods, it’s undeniably the fastest and most effortless approach to grinding. ConsideringWar Thunder’scompetitive nature, you can expect plenty of competitio...
We’re pleased to present you with a Holiday Crate, available in the in-game Item Shop! This crate can only be purchased with Golden Eagles, and inside it is a large set of useful items: Premium Account, Silver Lions, universal backups and boosters, prem
War Thunder - 5000 Golden Eagles (英文版) 全球玩家的評分 9個評分 78% 0% 0% 0% 22% 遊戲和法律資訊 「Golden Eagles」為遊戲貨幣,可用來購買Premium帳戶和其他額外內容像是Premium載具、組員快速提昇、額外停機棚空間、備用軍機等。「Golden Eagles」也可以用來兌換成遊戲中的另一種貨幣「Silver Lions」。