Back in 1940, children's books sold in the US for about $2-$3 each. This doesn't seem like much money now but it was a lot in those days and many families simply couldn't afford to buy them. For other families, buying books for their children was a luxury. Some lucky children r...
Looking for classic tales and new adventures? There’s a Little Golden Book for that! Little Golden Books have been part of children’s lives for over 80 years and have helped millions of children develop a lifelong love of reading. Find your next story
Looking for classic tales and new adventures? There’s a Little Golden Book for that! Little Golden Books have been part of children’s lives for over 80 years and have helped millions of children develop a lifelong love of reading. Find your next story
根据第一段开头“Before the introduction of Little Golden Books in, 1942, children’s books weren’t necessarily made with children’s interests in mind. They were usually large volumes that were too difficult for young readers to handle or comprehend,and were sold at 2 to 3 each (that’s ...
Before the introduction of Little Golden Books in 1942, children's books weren't necessarily made with children's interests in mind. They were usually large volumes(书) that were too difficult for young readers to deal with or understand, and were sold at $2 to $3 each (that's about $...
绘本内容 1Children have loved Little golden Books, For over 50 years.they have written their names inside each front cover and poredover the colorful pictures. Parents have shared Golden Moments withtheir children, reading such classics as the Poky little puppy.Thanks to the happy hours spent wi...
黑暗物质1 黄金罗盘 英文原版小说 His Dark Materials The Golden Compass 青少年读物 英文版原版书籍 进口英语书 分享服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50) 厚度适中(31) 字体适宜(31) 容量够大(31) 物流很快...
Golden Hare Books is an award-winning independent bookshop, stocking fine books for adults and children, in the heart of Edinburgh's Stockbridge neighbourhood. Thoughtfully curated by our team of passionate booksellers, our shelves hold the newest titles in fiction and non fiction. If you are ...