In Minecraft, an enchanted golden apple has the following Name, ID and DataValue: ItemDescription(Minecraft ID Name)Data ValueStack SizePlatformVersion(s) Enchanted Golden Apple(minecraft:golden_apple) 1 64 Java 1.8 - 1.12 Enchanted Golden Apple(minecraft:enchanted_golden_apple) 64 Java 1.13 - 1....
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a golden apple with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a golden apple is one of the many food items that you can make. When this golden apple is eaten in Survival mode, it gives you stat
11月15日漏签0天 minecraft漫画吧 关注:8,907贴子:259,417 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 1 2 下一页 尾页 53回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回minecraft漫画吧『漫画』金苹果 Golden Apple 只看楼主收藏回复 希拯QIU 方中有圆 9 希望大家喜欢我的漫画送...
金苹果(Golden apple)在希腊神话中是宝物,在Minecraft游戏中是特殊食物类物品。 Golden Apple的定义与起源 定义 Golden Apple,即金苹果,是一个具有多重含义的符号,在不同文化和语境中扮演着不同的角色。在希腊神话中,金苹果是一种著名的宝物,象征着权力、美丽和纷争;而在现代电子游戏如Minec...
获得64个附魔金苹果指令为:/give @p diamond 64。《我的世界》(Minecraft)是一款第一人称视角的沙盒游戏,最初由瑞典游戏设计师马库斯·阿列克谢·泊松单独开发,现在由Mojang Studios进行维护(微软已经收购Mojang Studios,已将其归入Xbox工作室),网易则是中国大陆地区的独家运营商。《我的世界》作为...
我的世界动画-怪物学院-巨人挑战-GoldenApple 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2019-05-10 12:00:24上线。视频内容简介:我的世界动画-怪物学院-巨人挑战-GoldenApple
简介:Golden Apple🤟上传的游戏视频:我的世界 #mc不灭 #mc #minecraft #游戏内容风向标,粉丝数1,作品数4,免费在线观看,视频简介: UP主简介 Golden Apple🤟 IP属地:河南 粉丝数:1 作品数:4泡泡活动 我的世界 #mc不灭 #mc #minecraft #游戏内容风向标游戏在线观看 我的世界 #mc不灭 #mc #minecraft #游戏...
开发者ID:funkemunky,项目名称:HCFCore,代码行数:29,代码来源: ▲点赞 2▼ @EventHandlerpublicvoidonEat(PlayerItemConsumeEvent event){ String type = MinecraftUtils.getExtraType(event.getItem()); FoodStatus food = ExtraManager.foods.get(type);if( food ==null)if(event.getItem().getType() == ...
Golden Appler The Golden Appler mod provides the ability to utilize apples and golden apples for super durable weapons. The golden apple tools are about twice as durable as diamond tools in speed at breaking blocks and killing enemies. And the red apple tools are significantly stronger than ...
Minecraft: Java Edition Forums IsaacHQ4 years ago I was streaming speedruns when I got an enchanted golden apple in about 10 seconds. I looked for the category, but I could only find a normal golden apple speedrun not and enchanted golden apple speedrun. Could someone help me? please? iluk...