On January 2, 1678, a fleet of French ships sank off the Venezuelan coast. This proved disastrous for French naval power in the region, and sparked the rise of a golden age of piracy. Tracing the lives of fabled pirates like the Chevalier de Grammont, Nikolaas Van Hoorn, Th...
On January 2, 1678, a fleet of French ships sank off the Venezuelan coast. This proved disastrous for French naval power in the region, and sparked the rise of a golden age of piracy. Tracing the lives of fabled pirates like the Chevalier de Grammont, Nikolaas Van Hoorn, Thomas Paine, ...
1720s—hassometimesbeencalled“TheGoldenAgeofPiracy.”Thisis because,duringthosedecades,theworldexperiencedthemostintense outbreakofseabornebanditryeverrecorded. Thisbookisanattempttogiveanaccountofthemaineventsofthat enormouseruptionofpiracy—andtoportraytheoften-out-sizedpersonal- ...
Anne has an unsettling dream, and come morning, the robbery is thwarted by Woodes Roger, a zealot who has sworn to eliminate piracy. With no plan to escape, Anne
The Classical period or Golden age of Greece, from around 500 to 300 BC, has given us the great monuments, art, philosophy, architecture and literature which are the building blocks of our own civilization