It was the question raised as President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill on partial birth abortion and expressed the deepest concern for the health of the woman denied that procedure. Of that other being present in the surgery, the one whose head was being punctured and the contents sucked out—t...
管理 master 1.5-dev qt4x5 fts fancy_icons kde-style-line-edit 1.5.0-RC2 1.5.0-RC 1.0.1 1.0.0 0.9.0 克隆/下载 克隆/下载 HTTPSSSHSVNSVN+SSH下载ZIP 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录没有帐号,去注册 提示 下载代码请复制以下命令到终端执行 ...
INFO OGG-00963 Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm: Command received from EXTRACT on host [106.3..]:46817 (START REPLICAT REPINIT CPU -1 PRI -1 PARAMS ). WARNING OGG-00936 Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm: Access denied (request from, rule #0). 解...
1.通过web的Administration Server来配置exact进程,点击Administration Server进程的9001进入配置页 2.配置抽取的附加日志,点击左上角三一图标中configuration进行配置 选择Schema或者Table级别附加信息类型后点击+号进入配置页面 备注:12.3版本名字是:Trandata,19版本变成Transaction information点击+号来增加extract进程 选...
0CachedTransactionSize0<000 0000|0000 0000 0000 0000 0000|0000 0000 000000CUMULATIVESTATSFORSUPERPOOLtrans non-zerototal trans CACHEFiledisk disk disk filecached fileretrieves CACHEbuffer 0anon=0dunmaps0=0cached 0out=0AllocationRequest<000|0000 0000|0000 0000 0000|0000 0CachedTransactionSize0<000 ...
before insert on t_1 for each row declare tid NUMBER; err VARCHAR2(100); PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN SELECT t.id2 INTO tid FROM t_2 t WHERE NAME=:new.Name; INSERT INTO t_3 VALUES(tid,; COMMIT; EXCEPTION
–GGS ERROR ZZ-0RG The previous run abended due to an out of order transaction. Issue ALTER ETROLLOVER… –此错误是出现Encountered SCN That Is Not Greater错误后Extract无法自动修复(当前正在开发自动修复功能),需通过人工操作予以恢复,修复方法可以参照Doc ID 987379.1,也可参考下述方法 恢复步骤(非正式)...
1:实验环境 2:实验步骤 --下面的2.1-2.2步骤,都需要在源端和目标端分别执行。 2.1:准备工作 2.1.1建表空间 create tablespace ogg datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/ogg01.dbf' size 200m; 2.1.2 创建用户并授权 --建立用于复制的数据库账号并授权: ...
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if ...
on the mainland. This left Wu Kebo’s company with a handful of cinemas in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. The long established Golden Village partnership also came to an end that year, when OSGH bought out the Australian partners in what had been an acrimonious business transacti...