The gold standard system determined the value of all currencies based on gold. 金本位制利用黄金决定所有货币的价值. 期刊摘选 Thus, the currencies were related to one another through a system called the gold standard. 因此, 彼此之间的货币就要通过一个系统维持相互的关系,这个系统就叫做金本位制. 期...
Gold Standard sets the standard for climate and sustainable development interventions to quantify, certify and maximise their impact – creating value for people…
英 na.金本位 网络黄金标准;金本位制;金准 权威英汉双解 英汉 网络释义 gold-standard 显示所有例句 n. 1. [sing] 金本位制an economic system in which the value of money is based on the value of gold 2. [ususing] 黄金标准;典范a high level of quality that others try to copy...
Gold Standard sets the standard for climate and sustainable development interventions to quantify, certify and maximise their impact – creating value for people…
Gold Standard sets the standard for climate and sustainable development interventions to quantify, certify and maximise their impact – creating value for people…
independent association of insurance professionals, MDRT membership is widely recognised as the gold standard of excellence in the industry. 作為一個獨立的國際保險權威組織,MDRT 會員資格被廣泛公認為保險界專才躋身業界頂尖行列的成功指標。 [...] standard would be a combinati...
gold standard英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供gold standard的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
gold currency standard金通货本位制 gold exchange standard (GES)金汇兑本位制 gold specie standard金币本位 gold standard act金本位制法 international gold bullion standard【经】 国际金块本位 相似单词 goldn. 1.[U]金;金子;黄金 2.[U]金币;金饰品;黄金制品 3.[U,C]金色;金黄色 4.[U,C]=gold me...
gold standard发音 意思翻译 n.金本位 [金融]金本位,金本位制 相似词语短语 gold standards───[金融]金本位,金本位制 poor standard───标准差 double standard───双重标准 tough standard───严格的标准 CAT standard───CAT标准 bog-standard───bog标准 gold star───高仕达(公司名) gold ...
Gold Standard 在第一次世界大战之前,世界经济处于Gold Standard(金本位制度)之下。 它的意思是每个国家发行的纸币以国家拥有的黄金数量为准,有多少黄金就发行多少纸币,国库里放的黄金为纸币兜底。这套制度曾经非常良好地运转,但受制于黄金的生产和开采。