Stage 1 COPD: Mild COPD. Spirometry shows mild limitation in airflow. Chronic cough and sputum production may be present. At this stage, the person is often unaware of impaired lung function. Stage 2 COPD: Moderate COPD. Spirometry shows limitation in airflow that is worse than in mild ...
global_burden_disease/2004_report_update/en/Health Statistics and Informatics遗传与基因年龄与性别肺生长发育烟尘暴露吸烟、职业暴露、空气污染社会经济地位哮喘或气道高反应慢性支气管炎、肺部感染COPD相关危险因素 Health Statistics and InformaticsCOPD的诊断和评估Health Statistics and InformaticsStageGrade短期目标 缓解...
Randomised controlled trial:Uplifting results of tiotropium in moderate COPD (GOLD stage 2)Commentary on: Decramer M, Celli B, Kesten S, et al . Effect of tiotropium on outcomes in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (UPLIFT): a prespecified subgroup analysis of a ...
COPD分级分期(stage),分级(grade)BODE,MRC,CAT,AE 诊断标准postFEV1/FVC,LLN,FEV1/FVC+症状问卷,PEF,COPD-6,联合 ClassificationofCOPDSeveritybySpirometry StageI:Mild FEV1/FVC<0.70FEV1>80%predicted StageII:Moderate FEV1/FVC<0.7050%<FEV1<80%predicted StageIII:Severe FEV1/FVC<0.7030%<FEV1<...
Based on spirometry results, COPD is classified into four stages: mild, moderate, severe, and very severe. Each stage has different treatment options and management strategies. 为了诊断COPD,医疗提供者会结合病史、体格检查、肺功能测试和影像学研究。GOLD指南推荐使用肺功能检测作为COPD的主要诊断工具。肺...
阻滞剂,高剂量B2激动剂 心力衰竭:B1阻滞剂,高剂量B2激动剂 心房颤动:B1阻滞剂,高剂量B2激动剂 高血压 骨质疏松 焦虑抑郁 肺癌、代谢综合征和糖尿病 不同诊断标准的COPD年龄患病率 70+岁 vs.40-49岁 OR= 20.81(7.52-57.60) * This provides a summary of the recommended treatment at each stage of COPD...
Although it correlates with spirometry, there is a wide distribution across each of the GOLD stages demonstrating that at any GOLD stage patients may or may not be dyspnoeic * * * * COPD在气道慢性炎症的基础上,在微生物、污染等诱发因素的作用下,气道炎症加剧,引起支气管狭窄,水肿,粘液分泌增加,...
[7] Agusti A,Calverley PM,Celli B,et al.Characterisation of COPD heterogeneity in the ECLIPSE cohort. Respir Res,2010,11:122. [8] Decramer M,Celli B,Kesten S,et al.Effect of tiotropium on outcomes in patients w...
Baseline COPD treatment differed by GOLD stage. More patients were receiving a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) only or LAMA/long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) in GOLD 2 (12.6% and 13.4%) than GOLD 3 (7.5% and 12.0%) or 4 (5.6% and 8.4%), while fewer patients were receiving ...
Figure5:CommonlyUsedFormulationsofDrugsforCOPD Non-PharmacologicTreatment Figure6:TherapyatEachStageofCOPD Component4:ManageExacerbations HowtoAssesstheSeverityofanExacerbation HomeManagement HospitalManagement Figure7:IndicationsforHospitalAdmission forExacerbations ...