Gold price in INR (Indian Rupee). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in Indian Rupee.
This is the silver price chart in Nepal in Nepalese Rupee per ounce. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clickin...
Silver Price Chart in Pakistan in Pakistani Rupee Per Ounce This is the silver price chart in Pakistan in Pakistani Rupee per ounce. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an ...
The Gold Rate in India India does not have a centralized gold exchange, although such an gold exchange has been proposed at various times with the backing of theWorld Gold Council. Instead, India operates a decentralized gold market and is the world’s second largest gold importer. Designated ...
Gold Price Today in Karnataka (19th February 2025) - Check out today's 22 & 24 carat Gold Rate in Karnataka based on ₹/gm. Also, get trends of Gold rate in Karnataka for last 10 days only on Khatabook
Goldhub is the definitive source of gold data and insight. Enhance your investment decisions with credible data, interactive tools and expert research.
Gold Price Today in Manipur (14th February 2025) - Check out today's 22 & 24 carat Gold Rate in Manipur based on ₹/gm. Also, get trends of Gold rate in Manipur for last 10 days only on Khatabook
Today gold price in India (New Delhi) in Indian Rupee per ounce, gram and tola in different karats; 24, 22, 21, 18, 14, 12, 10 based on live spot gold price
Gold Rate in Nigeria (NGN) Gold Rate in South Africa (ZAR) More Countries in Africa Asia Gold Rate in Afghanistan (AFN) Gold Rate in Hong Kong (HKD) Gold Rate in Indonesia (IDR) Gold Rate in India (INR) Gold Rate in Japan (JPY) Gold Rate in Sri Lanka (LKR) Gold Rate in Myanmar...
Fed/Gold/Oil Fed Fund Rate/Gold Oil/CRB/Gold - High Cycles Gold/Oil/US$ Ratio Gold/Dabchick Ratio Gold/US Bank Assets Gold Australian Dollars Gold British Pound Gold Deutsche Mark Gold Euro Gold Japan Yen Gold Swiss Franc Gold/US$ Ratio Gold/US$ Ratio Histogram Gold/Oil/CRB lt - Pal...